Daily Prompt; Can’t Get Enough

http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/daily-prompt-addicting/, DP, Daily Prompt

Have you ever been addicted to anything, or worried that you were? Have you ever spent too much time and effort on something that was a distraction from your real goals? Tell us about it.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us ADDICTING.

I was just thinking about this early today. I am addicted to others. I have short hair, not because I think I look fantastic, but because it is very easy to take care of.

What I really want is my hair down below my shoulders again so I can put it up in a messy way like I used to, or let it fall in waves, or any way I really want to wear it.Me This is the way I used to look.

What I find is I have lost me. I have given into my addiction of being needed, feeling self-worth, being accepted.

It is too important to me, and it has taken the almost seven years of caring for family members to see that I am not me.

I am to a point. I do love being a caregiver. When I look inside my house, I can see me in a lot of places. But the part of me who was once alive has been swiped and hidden away. This is what this addiction to being wanted has done to me.

I made up my mind last night that I will without guilt start looking farther down the road. The path I want to return to is filled with silly laughter, feeling young, and spontaneous.

To start this I am starting to let my hair grow back out. I have been thinking about what type of work do I want to do once this chapter is closed. Do I still want to be a caregiver? I think yes but not 24/7.

I want to be able to walk a way from the job at the end of the shift. Change from a professional to a silly person. There are some facts I have to face. Such as I can not move like I used to due to my diabetic feet problems. My back can’t take what it used to. I am not as strong as I used to be. I am beginning to need my naps more often. But I see me being able to squeeze the old me in there.

I want to, no I need to return to me. My sanity has to be kept in line. My thoughts have to deter a way from death, and I need to concentrate on me, which is something I haven’t done for years.

So off with the short hair is a good place to start. Maybe I should get a butt lift, or implants, or a tummy tuck. No, I think not. I have already been made and what needs to be fixed is internal.flying_angel_wallpaper_cd368         http://youtu.be/uAPUxvjbdcU




A Dog Named Boo

A dog with no name

I saw you looking up at me

When I was driving by

You looked at me and I think you said

Please give me a hug and wipe my eye.

Your hair I noticed is such a mess

It hangs down in your face

Has someone left you behind

To fight this human race?

I pulled my car over and shut it off

I opened my door and walked towards you

I don’t know if I’m doing right or wrong

But I have to do what I must do.

I held out my hand and bent so low

You didn’t back off or seem afraid

You came closer to me being a little shy

Please trust me now don’t walk a way.

I went back to the car and got a blanket

I brought it to you and you let me wrap you up

I carried you gently and placed you on the seat

You sat very still you didn’t even fuss.

I’m taking you home with me today

I will clean you up and wash your hair

I have been praying for some companionship

I think you and I can connect and share.

Once inside the house I put you down

You looked around but didn’t stray

I found you some food and I hope you will eat

What a good job you did there’s none to throw a way.

A bath I am giving you now you smell so good

I combed out your hair and you sat very still

I see your eyes follow me where ever I go

And now you are sitting on my lap at your own will.

I am so thankful that I passed your way

I realize I needed you more than I knew

The Lord answered my prayer of a companion today

I love you my new friend, you are my dog named Boo.

Terry Shepherd
