144 thoughts on “The Angels Came

  1. Dear Terry,
    I am so sorry to hear of Al’s passing. He is now at peace and healed. I am praying for you and your loved ones and friends. Al has his angel wings and I am sure so so thankful for everything you have done for him. May God bless you and give you peace. Let me know if there is anything we can do.


  2. As his soul finds rest in the warmth of God’s peace and love may the Almighty comfort you. God bless you Terry, you have been a superwoman and Al couldn’t have asked for a better sister. May his memory live on.


  3. You no doubt have mixed feelings right now, knowing that this is what Al has been wanting for some time, but also knowing that you will miss him and things will not be the same now. You are in my thoughts and prayers at this time, Terry — hugs to you.


  4. Terry, While I am very sorry for your loss, I am glad that Al is now at peace and with the Lord. Take care of yourself in the coming days as you take care of all the necessary arrangements. Know there are many people who care about you and continue to pray for you.


  5. The end is such a mix of emotions. Al is at peace now and that makes his passing easier on those he leaves behind. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Terry your caregiving is a life changing experience and you are among a group of very special people. Take care. Carol


  6. I’m terribly sorry for your loss. After reading your blog for a while now, I really believe that Al is at peace and I hope that you find peace and comfort now.


  7. My dear sister: Al is singing, dancing, and drinking Coca Cola with the angels and your parents in heaven. You have done an extraordinary work here on earth. Your strenght and determination to provide the ultimate in carw for each member of your household is a testimony to the God who is in you. Our family sends love.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Terry, Al is finally at peace and where he wants to be with this horrible disease no longer with him. I know he is smiling and walking with Jesus and telling stories. He will be missed and I’m truely sorry!


  9. Dear Terry, while I grieve with you over the loss of your beloved brother, I also am rejoicing with you that he is free. How ironic that you were looking forward to some vacation time this week. I’m afraid you may be busier than ever for the next few days. Please keep posting for us here as you progress through this week, and through the grieving you will experience. Love and prayers.


  10. Now Al is no longer suffering…………………he will always be with you in spirit………..you have done a tremendous job of caring for your brother , sad days ahead for you but try to think of him at peace now……………God Bless Terry Connolly in Ireland


  11. now his suffering is over. May he rest in peace……………he will always be with you in spirit.God Bless you Terry from another Terry in Ireland.

    Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:25:16 +0000 To: teracon22@live.ie


  12. Terry although I know this is bitter sweet, since Al has relief and you’re probably feeling both heart broken and relief for him. I very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and I pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding over you. xo


  13. In so many was – I wish things could have been different.
    May your beloved brother – Al – rest in peace as he no longer suffers from any pain.
    I know that you lovingly hold him in your heart. And – for that – he will always be with you.


  14. Terry, I can’t imagine the mix of emotions you must be feeling right now. While your heart is aching, at least you can take comfort that Al has finally been released from the grips of MSA and is at peace now. I will be keeping your family in my thoughts.


  15. Terry, may his soul rest in peace. I am so sorry for your loss. Al impacted so many lives thru your messages to us on the internet. I know he is in heaven, where he will feel no more pain, but pure joy and happiness. You have been the best sister and caretaker for your brother. He was so lucky to have you. I pray for him and you. You and Al are an inspiration to all of us and I am happy to have gotten to know you. Continue to take each day one at a time. Sending you love and a big hug.


  16. Terry, I just want to offer you my deepest condolences on the loss of your brother. I know how much you loved him. I’m very sorry to hear this. I pray that God’s peace will flood your heart today and comfort you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time if you need anything. There are a whole lot of people hugging you right now. You’re a great sister and you loved Al so well. I know he is smiling down at you right now. He’s your angel now, Terry. God bless you my friend. Peace be with you.


  17. I am sorry Terry, You now have a wonderful angel watching over you in heaven. He is smiling at you and saying thank you for being his sister and being there for him. Rest in peace Al.. Big hugs!


  18. I’m so very sorry for your loss and for everything that both of you have endured. It was a long and difficult road. God bless Al, who is now soaring with the angels.


  19. Oh Terry…I know Al’s suffering has ended, and there is reason to rejoice in that, but I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Even though it was expected, there is no question that saying goodbye is never easy. My prayer for you is that you will know God’s comfort and peace during this time of mourning, that you will find joy in your memories, and you will wake to each new day with greater hope as you move forward. Much love to you, Terry, much love.


  20. Terry I weep, because I know how deeply you loved your brother and caused us to love him too. But we do not weep as those who do not know God. We weep because, you weep and our tears are tears of joy, because we know that Al is joyously in the presence of the Savior.
    Terry you have blessed us and demonstrated overwhelming love of a sister toward her brother. As you encouraged Al, you have encouraged us.
    May the Lord turn your weeping into laughter, your sorrow into joy, your mourning into happiness, and your countenance into peace that surpasses understanding.
    May the love of God, His strength, comfort and peace continue to be your companion.
    This I pray…


  21. I’m praying for you. He will be missed very much. But he suffers no more. God please bless Al Shepherd your new Angel.
    LOVElla Green
    Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  22. Terry, I am sorry for your loss and I am thinking of you. For Al it is a blessing , no more pain , he is in heaven where he was ready to go. Continue to be strong, God has heard our prayes and will still be with you too. I know you will miss Al terribly. We all will, he was part of our “blog family”
    God bless you!


  23. Oh dear Terry,
    My heart cries for you. Even though you had so very long to “prepare” yourself, it must still be a shock and a deep loss.
    ((HUGS)) to you. Difficult times ahead but God will carry you through as He has through these past months when Al was so very sick. Glad Al was still at home with you when he passed. You have done an awesome job, super sister.
    Now take care of yourself and by all means stay connected with us all.


  24. May he rest in peace!! He’s not suffering anymore. His journey on this plane is done!!! Rest for you … in a sense!! Luv sent through cyberspace!!! Hugs …. ❤ ❤ ……


  25. Praise God Al is free and we pray of comfort and strength to you sweet Terry.
    Hugs and love and strength from us to you.


  26. Our condolences go out for you sweetheart. I know your glad his suffering is over. But I also know how hard this is as you loved him so dear. Continuing to pray for you. Again I am so sorry for your loss.


  27. My deepest sympathy my friend…he’s in peace now and watching over you, just like an angel…,t thoughts and prayers are with you, be strong…Delvi.


  28. Terry, he frighted for so long … and he are where he wants to be now and I’m so happy for Al – How are you doing, Terry ??? You’re in my thoughts and you know where I’m if you need to.


  29. Terry, I know this leaves a huge hole in your heart but at the same time a peace knowing that Al is whole once again and where he has wanted to be for a long time – rejoicing with Jesus. I am so happy that he died at home as you both desired. I will be praying for you because I know that this next few days will be full, and when they are over it will be very difficult for you without him. Take care of yourself. God bless you and fill your life with His peace and comfort.


  30. I’m so sorry for your loss Terry. I pray that the Lord comforts you and that you find peace in His presence during your time of grief. You don’t need to be strong and hide your feelings now, so go ahead and allow yourself to grieve. When you need to cry, remember that God keeps the tears of His beloved children in His bottle, and He keeps record of those tears, because He loves you.

    God bless you,


  31. Pingback: Remembering and honoring …. AL! | It Is What It Is

  32. Terry, I am so sorry to hear about Al’s passing. He was struggling for such a long time though, and now he has finally gotten the rest he truly deserves. For him there isn’t anymore sadness, he no longer has to suffer through the humiliation of having his body do things against his will, and most of all, he no longer has to deal with rejection, unconcerned, selfish healthcare systems or the misery of being uncomfortable in his own body.

    You have a difficult time ahead of you, but even as you deal with the feeling of an empty house, and a sense of no longer having a purpose, remember that God is there. He’ll be there to hold you when you want to weep in private, and He’ll be listening every time you just want to share something, especially those things you don’t think you can tell another human soul, and He’ll be holding your hand as you move through this process, and these emotions.

    You did all that could, perhaps even morr than you should have, so just remember that Al did appreciate it all. He loved you, he appreciated the care, affection and adoration you’l showered with since childhood. And he knew that you fought the disease, with everything you could find, for him. Now he’s resting, he’s peaceful, and just rememberone last thinthing–he would want you to remember to take care of yourself for a little while now. You’ve worked with superwoman strength through an emotionally and physically arduous act of love. Take a deep breath, sit down and allow yourself to grieve, and live. You did well, Terry and, Al knew you did your best–no matter how you felt or acted in a moment of so-called weakness.

    Take care♥♥♥


  33. May Al rest in peace, and may you find strength and hope in the knowledge that you did everything you could for him. Your care and devotion to him during his illness are an inspiration to many. My prayers and thoughts continue to be with you as you struggle with the sadness of your loss.


  34. Dearest Terry,
    I know it has been a horrible roller coaster ride with Al’s illness! Please know that you are in my prayers and please be comforted that Al is in a peaceful place now!
    Love , Sue


  35. Wow! I am glad yes! Glad to hear He is with the lover of His soul and the lifter of His head. My God bless you and keep you while encouragement flows to you like a river. May our companion the Holy Comforter extend his loving arms of mercy, love, grace and newness of life to you on this day and every day until Jesus comes.

    I haven’t been reading your blog long but I will be happy to see what new doors will be opened unto you because of your faithfulness. I know Al has has been given a tour of Heaven and He is looking down from Heaven smiling at you saying, girl when you get here I will be waiting.


    Your friend in Florida



  36. Pingback: Supporting a grieving friend | The Memories Project

  37. Oh, Terry. I hope you are doing the best that you can at this time. I’m so very sorry to have come to your blog after more than a year of knowing you to hear of the inevitable: Al’s time to leave this earth has come. You must feel as if half your heart has been torn out, even though we both knew the time was near. I was trying to visit every few days as a result and I realized I hadn’t heard back from you after I left that comment about the “cycle of life” with your grandchild being born (possible on the 24th?) and I got to my laptop as soon as I could today–already knowing what I would read and see. I’m sending all the love I have to you, and even though this is what Al wanted and needed and he is no longer suffering, the loss of someone so close is never easy and it’s a process. I never say that it’s a blessing in disguise because life can be so unfair and cruel as we both know: none of this should have ever happened in the first place, but life is just that way and bad things happen to good people.

    Take the time you need and thank you for sharing Al’s story with me and the world, including the end of his “cycle of life.” It’s important as we all get our day and thank the Lord that Al had you to tell it. I will never forget your dear brother, Al–the greatest Coca Cola aficionado in the world–nor will I forget MSA and the awful beast that it is. And, my dear Terry, I’m still here and will check in as I do–you’re my top bookmark. You have another (near) 60 years of stories to tell and enlighten the world with. Stay strong, but find a shoulder to lean on now. Know that Al is finally at peace and that you will see him again one day–back to his old ways as things like MSA don’t leave this earth with us.

    Much love and hugs at this time and always,
    A ❤ ❤ ❤


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