The Gospel – The Power of God!

very good



Dear Friend,

God loves you, and there are five things God wants you know about Him, andI feel impressed by Him to tell you what they are.

1. Jesus was born. Babies are born every day, but Jesus is different, because although Mary is His earthly mother, God is His heavenly Father. That makes Him different than any other person that has ever walked the earth. Think of it this way, the egg inside of Mary was human, the sperm divine. Theologians call this Immaculate Conception, but to most of us it is the Christmas story. God became a man in the form of Jesus Christ, Emanuel, God with us. God came to earth and joined humanity, like each of us, as a meek helpless baby. Jesus is not merely the son of God, but God the Son, the second person of the Trinity.

gospel manger

2. Jesus grew up, he became…

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