Why Don’t People Follow the Rules?

Hello my friends. Today was not fun so far. It sleeted overnight and I had to go to the doctor for lab work. It wasn’t fun and I drove like a turtle. I kept thinking, ” you all go around me, I don’t care.”


Afterwards I went to work but there was no work available so I drove back home. I have to go back to the doctor’s this afternoon for my results, hoping the roads will be better. When I came home, someone other than who lives here, had parked in my spot. This is a private area parking and usually when this happens, someone from a business beside me is parking in my spot.


I have to get out of my car and go up several steps and go inside and ask who is parking in my spot. Someone always raises their hand and says they were just going to be a minute. I tell them, it’s private, and for them to park on the street. They usually laugh and ignore me. Today was worse though. The car didn’t belong to the business next door and I had to end up parking in front on the street. A lot longer walk for me and I almost fell twice. I talked to management and they said they would look into it.


Why can’t people follow the rules? Why do they think they are special? Then to pretty much laugh me off. It upsets me because I struggle to walk anyways and on top of ice is worse.


It seems that a lot of people don’t follow the rules. Children killed near me because someone didn’t pay attention to the school bus arm and was on their phone instead. People killing others. People killing school kids.

Using illegal drugs. Buying guns underground. Stealing, cheating. I could go on and on. Why do these people do these things? It’s so frustrating to me. I’m not perfect by far but I try to follow the rules.


This world is suffering. Our government is throwing tantrums. This is a great way to kick off 2019, don’t you think?





14 thoughts on “Why Don’t People Follow the Rules?

  1. A friend of mine who has a handicap card parked in a handicap parking space somewhere but forgot to put her card in the window. She was fined $375.00 and couldn’t get out of it. She doesn’t have that kind of extra money. So as you say, it makes you wonder why people do these things and get away with it while laughing at you. I hope something can be resolved soon. My neighbor down the hall was complaining a while ago that she has a hard time finding a handicap spot here because they are filled up with people who don’t have cards. I guess it’s just human nature. And I have discovered that people don’t generally read or think of those things–just me first. It is sad, though, that people can’t follow simple rules.

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