My Hero/ The Daily Post

My Hero

Who’s your hero? Tell us a story about why that person plays such an important role in your life.



What is a hero

Is it described in one word

Is it only one person

Can he fly like a bird


Maybe the hero

In your life is

The one who loves you daily

The one who plants a kiss


Could your hero be a stranger

Whom you have never met

But admired all his actions

And of him you even dreamt


Could the hero be your grandma

Who let you sit upon her lap

When tears were slowly falling

Then she’d lull you into a nap


What about your parents

Who you always claimed too strict

But now that you are grown

They did teach you just a bit


Or was it that school teacher

Who cracked the learning whip

Could she possibly be the reason

You are now taking that business trip


I don’t think there is one hero

I rather believe that there are many

The ones who touched your life

And left memories so plenty.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd





The Broken Rose

Her branch pricked him

It pierced his heart

Blood dripping

Love pouring out

As she would

Never allow

Any man to

Get too close

For pain remains

Still alive from

Many years ago

When she let

One soul pick

Her petals

Her beautiful

Tender rose                                                            rose

Now singed

Edges blackened

From hurtful words

Now she stands

Alone with the

Most beautiful

Petals that have

Ever been seen

But too afraid

To love again

And soon she

Will die never

Giving  the chance

To let another

Touch  her beauty.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd
