The Planning Continues

Today you would need two sets of hearing aids in order to hear what Al is saying. Yes, his voice is that soft. He has been still in his planning stage. He has sorted cars, from old to newest.

He has spoken about his viewing and his funeral. He has chosen where he wants to have his funeral. I liked his choice because that was my decision also. He has talked about his funeral.

He has been very apologetic today. He has apologized for almost anything. I keep telling him he doesn’t need to but he continues.

Hospice has now taken one of his medications and turned it into a gel form. He has a liquid medication for pain also and one seizure medication. This is it. All other medications have been placed in the cupboard.

He has gone extremely down in this area. From 15 meds to 3. He didn’t sleep good last night and I am so tired of being dizzy from lack of sleep that I slept most of the morning a way and let the care giver do her job.

I hope for a night of sleep, this is my goal for the day. I did venture down to the mailbox through about 8 inches of snow. It has snowed all day long. My son came down and plowed the ramp for me. I was very appreciative of this.

So all in all, the day hours have not been to bad, but I will admit that planning viewings and funerals with the patient is difficult for the sister. I am going to let him go in his favorite clothes. You probably don’t need to even ask. Yes, Coca Cola of course. If only the company knew how important their product is to Al, they would feel so special.
