The Dream

Children, Baby new born

She laid there crying. No one could do anything to help her. The mother wrapped her in a cloth burlap and squeezed her gently to her bosom. Outside her hut officers were waiting for the signal to take this child and dispose of it.

Mama looked to the heavens and pleaded with God. Please dear Father, do as you wish to me but please save my baby. Give the officers a softened heart. Let them find a safe haven. Please oh Father do not let my baby die.

The flap was opened. Rays of sunlight shown up on the dirt floor. Working through orders one of the men snatched the baby from her arms. The baby was hungry but Mama had no milk to feed it. In less than a twinkle of a star the hut was silent, the baby was gone.

Drilled in to her head were memories of the blue eyes pleading into Mama’s. Dark curly hair that laid against the nape of the neck. Mama smelled her fingers and the still remaining essence of her baby rested upon her.

I will never forget you baby. I loved you the moment I felt your first kick deep within my womb. You will always hold a special place in my heart. I will think of you every day until I am dead.

The punishment she had been given for lying with another man would be carried with her the rest of her days. It is a sin to lay with another woman’s husband. She knew this, but the devil tempted her and she did not resist. One moment of weakness and it produced an off spring.

She laid down exhausted from her hours of labor. She drifted off to sleep and dreamed. A dream that she never wanted to awaken from.

Two men carried a baby. To take it into a woods far a way and leave it until it died. The men stopped at a small village. This is where they decided to rest for the eve. There was a well and they thirsted. Lying the infant aside they joked and drank from ladles with the other men folk.

Behind a large bush two eyes watched the men drink and be merry. Her own heart was broken. She and her husband had given birth to a child who never took its first breath. Her body shivered as she realized the closeness of the baby. She could almost reach out and touch it. She could smell the soft skin.

Without hesitation she moved closer. Slithering like a giant snake. When the men were too involved with their wild tales she grabbed the baby and was out of sight before the men realized what had happened.

She took the baby home. She heated water over the coals. She bathed the baby as if it was a fragile piece of glass. She pulled out from her basket clothes that had been saved for her own sweet child. She dressed the baby girl and decided to name her Hope.

When her husband came home she explained how the infant was left at their door step. God had realized her pain. He had delivered a lost soul to her to treasure and care for. The husband could only see the blue eyes looking into his. The tiny fingers wrapping around his own.

Words his wife spoke could not penetrate his own ears as he felt love for this infant swell in his heart. Together these two became parents and the three became a family. The infant became a toddler and then grew up into a beautiful woman.

The two men who had the responsibility to rid this baby finally took notice that she was no longer there. They looked at each other in fear and then they both laughed. Their bellies so full that it shook along with each laugh.

” I say we say we got rid of her. We save our own hides. Let’s stay here for the night as we planned. We shall feast on our own lust for women and fill our bodies with ale”. His partner agreed and they  let the infant erase  from their minds as they went forward to fill the night.

Where Do Babies Come From?

I don’t know about you, but I can remember, yes, I am not so old that I can’t remember my kids being young, but I can remember when my kids started asking where babies came from. I stuttered and stammered around trying to think of the most simple and tactful words to say, hoping it would satisfy their curiosity and not ask me anymore question.

My friend sent me this funny email today, and it took me back to young mommy days, so I wanted you to be able to travel back to your younger days also. Enjoy!

Seven  year old Annie returns home from school and says she had her first family planning lesson at school.
Her mother, very interested, asks; “How did it go?”
“I died of shame!” she answers. “Sam from over the road, says that the stork brings babies. Sally next door said you can buy babies at the orphanage.
Pete in my class says you can buy babies at the hospital.”
Her mother answers laughingly, “But that’s no reason to be ashamed.”
“No, but I can’t tell them that we were so poor that you and daddy had to make me yourselves!”

The Left Overs

A newborn child crying.

A newborn child crying. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I was born. Others thought I was so cute and adorable. Brother was born, and their world came crashing down around them. An extra butt to wipe, a mouth to feed. More money needed for care. It was an innocent child born into a negative world. During the days crying could be heard, cries of help, hunger and restlessness. During the nights, glass beer bottles could be heard. Loud screaming, fighting reaching into the wee hours of the morning. She was young, 16, two babies to care for now. He was 18, a mamma’s boy. He worked at the bowling alley, and stayed mostly at his mom and dad’s. She was left alone to attend to two crying babies. His mom would come over weekly to check on the babies, and to voice her opinions of what she thought of the young mother. She would bring over with her a new dress for the baby girl, and sometimes a toy for the baby boy. Arguing could be heard through each of these visits, one trying to place blame on another. One day with the mom’s help, divorce proceedings started. The young mother became scared and thought the only way to fight this was to take the babies and flee. Life was a  mess. The law was involved. The law after several weeks did track them down in another state far away. They had been stopped for speeding, which was a blessing. The law returned them all to their home state, and the babies were taken to the father’s mom and dad’s home for permanent living arrangements. The divorce went through, the grandparents raised the children, while the babies father worked. One day a few years later, he met a nice lady. Eventually, they married, and the new step mom raised the children. Life was much better, but the guilt, and the left overs from the first marriage were carried on in the mind of the children’s dad. He took that to his grave. The guilt, and all of the left over memories were then transferred from the deceased father and passed on to the baby boy, who now a man, still carries the wounds.