Strangers In The Night




We met as strangers

I was sitting at the bar

He walked in and tipped his hat

We left together

He made love to me all night long

In the morning I awoke and he was gone

Was I dreaming, I rubbed my eyes

Or was this a stranger in the night.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


Never give up your gifts so easily, choose wisely” T. Shepherd


FWF Free Wrote Friday; Inspired by Waiting Bridges

waiting bridgeThe sun was shining through the trees. Casting shadows that shimmered  through the leaves. The wooden plank delivered two souls in to one.

Standing at the far end, looking, shading eyes not missing any movement. She was waiting for the one who could fulfill every desire bubbling within her.

This is where the two had met at an earlier time. Each walking deep in thought. Looking into each others eyes as they passed. His brown eyes brought a spark to surface. Her blue eyes, were deeper than any blue waters he had ever seen.

Walking past each other, slowing down, stealing a glance back at each other. A pause in step; stillness all around, as their eyes locked on to each other. Neither daring to move, for fear the magic of the moment may disappear.

Slowly turning around, softly stepping towards each other. They come close enough to touch, but the only movement was the heart beats locking on to one another. “Hi, my name is Sean”. “Hi, my name is Autumn”. ” Do you walk this way often”? “Yes, every morning, but today is different. I had things that kept me a way until now”. “This is my lucky day then”.

He is so handsome, she thought. She is more beautiful than any summer day, he thought. Eyes looking into eyes, hands slowly reaching to each others cheek. Fingers caressing lips. The two drew close until they could feel the breath of the other. He tilted her chin up and brushed her red pouty lips. She returned his kiss by slowly opening her mouth.

” I have dreamed of you. You came to me last night. Your lips touched mine as you have just touched my lips. I am a virgin, and I have been waiting for my prince to come swoop me up into his arms and love me for the rest of my life” she softly spoke.

He bent into her ear, softly leading his tongue, outlining the edges. He bit ever so softly on her lobe, sending shivers racing down her spine. He stood back up and locked eyes with hers. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the grasses that wrapped themselves around the bridge.

He laid her down and she watched as he unbuttoned each of his pearly white buttons. She drank in the ripples of his muscles as he unlatched his belt and undid the silver buttons that protected his manhood.

He leaned over her and turned her neck to one side, and with hot breaths he kissed her neck. He knelt down and let his warm hands slide under her petticoat, sliding it down,exposing her garden to him.

He kissed her inner thighs with passion, moving himself closer to the offering he was about to receive. Within moments the two became one. The birds flew above the trees. The sky became bluer. The sun shone brighter.

Explosions of fireworks colored the forest. The flowing waters  beneath the bridge became calm. The breathing slowed. The dream became reality. Now as she stood at the end of the long bridge, shading her eyes, missing no movement, she waited for her prince to come to her rescue once again.


Continuing Story Part 31

Drake and Dahlia arrived at the hospital and went to the lady at the front desk and asked

Dahlia x hortensis

what room Drew was in. The lady questioned who he was and he said brother, and she told him the room number.

They took the stairs slowly so Dahlia would not trip over herself and made it to the third floor and then walked the halls until they found Drew’s room numbered, and then walked in. Drake was shocked to see his brother.

He was in a big plastic tank, and his mother, upon seeing them at the door walked over and told each of them  that Drew had pneumonia and that the plastic covering would help Drew’s lungs. Drake took hold of Dahlia’s hand and together they walked over to where Drew laid. Drew acknowledged their presence with his eyes, and Drake could see that his brother was definitely sick, as he witnessed blood splatter when Drew coughed.

They stood for a moment looking down at him and Drake and Drew touched hands from each side of the tank cover. This pulled at Drake’s heart and he then stepped back, walking back to where his mom and dad were sitting.

Rachel said that they had found Drew almost collapsed on the floor and their was a small amount of blood on the floor where he had been coughing. They had called the doctor and the doctor had told them to get him to the hospital right away.

The doctor said they had brought him in time, that he was going to be alright, but he did not know if the cancer would recognize this weakness in Drew’s body and decide to move faster. This was going to be a waiting game, but he was sure that he could heal the lungs for now.

Some of the boarders had shown up at the door, and Drake and Dahlia stood up and walked over to them and explained what was going on. Rachel told the ladies to come on in, and Drake told Dahlia that they should take their leave now, so Drew would not have to many visitors at once. Drake walked over to the big mask covering Drew’s top half of his body and told him they would be back later, and to take care, and to hurry up and come home. Drew made a small smile showing that he understood.

Drake and Dahlia back out in to the fresh air talking  among themselves about Drew, and Drake said that he could see the tired looks in his parents faces, so why didn’t the two go home and make something easy for supper that could be reheated. Dahlia thought this was a good idea, and she hugged her fiance for being so thoughtful and caring.

They went home and saw that hamburger was thawing in the refrigerator, so he took it out and opening the wrapper of it placed it in a bowl, and while he made a meatloaf out of it, Dahlia scrubbed potatoes, and made a salad. In no time at all, the meatloaf was baking, the potatoes were sitting beside the meatloaf, and the salad was in the refrigerator keeping chilled.

When the two had cleaned up their mess, Dahlia said that she was going to change clothes and go out to her balance bar to practice some moves that she wanted to help her students with, and Drake said that he would help her also. She laughed out loud and asked him what he knew about dancing, and he laughed back and asked, you do not realize that I understand your kind of dance?

Without waiting for a response, Drake walked into the living room and found a record that he loved to dance to and one that was smooth and romantic. He had seen his father dancing with his mother to this record. He placed the record on the record player and then walked over to Dahlia and reaching for her hands, he led her into the middle of the living room floor, and wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her close and they danced.

Dahlia looked up into his face and said that the dance she was going to practice was ballet, and not this kind of step, but  felt her body once again beginning to turn into butter, as he led her around the living room ever so gracefully. Drake let his one hand slide down to the curve of her butt and soon his other hand met the other and Dahlia held him tight around his neck, and the music swept them through the room.

It was like magic  in the air and roses bloomed and spread their perfume throughout the room. As the two held each other so close, Dahlia could feel a hardness near her abdomen, and when Drake saw that she had noticed his desires, he led her to the couch and gently lifted her down on to the couch, letting her head rest up on a soft pillow.

He began by kissing her lips and then kissing her forehead and neck and then back to her lips. He parted her lips and moved his tongue  inside of her mouth and filled her mouth and lips with heat and desires.

He then glided his lips down to the curvature of her breast and he kissed what was revealed and with one hand he cupped one in his hand and gave a gentle squeeze. Dahlia heard a small gasp escape from her throat and she drew herself closer to him, as his hand reached behind her and unbuttoned the top few buttons. He moved his hand to her chest once again, allowing his skin to touch her soft velvety skin. Her body arched to meet his and he took this as a cue to move further, and soon his hands were making their way under her under skirt and he felt the heat that was flowing from her. He let his hand rest on the outer part of the cotton that kept the love she felt for him hidden away.

He started to slide his hand under her panties, and then the back door was heard opening, and the two of them jumped up and sitting  upright, Drake hurriedly buttoned back her few buttons, and both of them straightening their clothes out, they parted to each side of the couch.

Rachel and Ralph came through the door and the boarding ladies were following behind. They could hear the music playing and Ralph looked at Rachel with fond memories of their own dances, and wondered if they had broken a sin about to take place.

Saying hello to each other, Drake jumped up from the couch and as he went to the kitchen he yelled back at everyone that supper was ready, and they should all gather round for supper. Rachel walked over to Dahlia and kissed her lightly on the forehead for being so thoughtful as to get supper ready for them.

When all were seated Ralph announced that the doctor said he thought Drew would be resting comfortably tonight. The medicine was working in his system at this moment, and there was no reason for everyone to stay, that Drew needed his rest, and for them all to go home. If anything should happen, the nurse on duty would call them at once.

The supper hour was spent with people’s mind on Drew, and some were wondering what they had walked into in the living room. The meal was good and everyone thanked Drake and Drew for the delicious meal. After wards they all helped clean the table, and do the dishes.