My Afternoon in The Woods

Today I saw a  helicopter landing at the hospital so I got a photo of that. Later I saw a hot air balloon. So I put together a little magic on those two items. Then I saw my grandson over at the park. As I went to talk to him I passed a couple of tree trunks.

What a fun late afternoon I had.

Caiden and teeter tottertree trunkhot air balloonhot air balloon 2tree trunk2helicopter


She was the Mistress. A married virgin. Lily had ventured a way from home too far. She stumbled upon the beautiful glow and couldn’t resist walking closer. She was hovering around the flickering lights when she blinked and she was standing in the center of the entry way.

Lily beat on the solid oak doors but no one heard her. She cried for hours and screamed but silence laughed back at her. Darkness came and her little tummy was churning. She was yawning  and her little body was exhausted. She was too frightened  to sleep.

She ventured in the surrounding rooms. Very tall ceilings. Wood trim; a welcome sight to most eyes. Deep, dark-red, velvet curtains draped the height of at least three of Lily’s size. Rows and rows of shelves. Books she didn’t understand. When she lifted one from the shelf she left her print where dust had collected.

Stepping out of the library she found the kitchen. There were no signs of food. Cobwebs gently draped over door handles. The sun shining through a tall, slender window allowed Lily to explore closer.

She opened the refrigerator but as she closed it the echos of empty danced for her. Wall to wall built-in hutches, lined with colorful china  with rainbow glass protecting it. Light bouncing from the sun cast tiny fairies to dance on the walls.

Lily went through a few more rooms but it was getting dark outside and she was getting sleepier. She ended up back in the Library. There was a settee and she took her shoes off and took the tiny fringed pillow and rested her head on it.

The thick air and the secrets of the house draped a blanket of sleep over her. While she rested, the heart beat faster from within the walls. The house was not alone anymore. Creaking and stepping, soft turns of door knobs turning. Magic began to fill the house and when Lily awoke the breathing of the house provided heat and light.

She walked until she found the bathroom. Walking in she almost fainted when she looked at herself in the sparkling mirror. She had grown. No longer was she a child, she was a grown woman.

She ran her hands over her breasts and felt the curves of her shapely hips. Touching her hair that hung down to her waist. Her lips taut and her cheeks rosy she was looking at a beautiful woman.

She took a thick cloth and wet it with cool water. Wiping her eyes she looked into the mirror once again. She saw her reflection smiling at her. She no longer had on a play dress. She was dressed in fine linens. Diamonds played gently around her neck. Matching earrings dangled gently from her soft lobes. A huge rock sat upon her third finger.

She left the bathroom and went to the kitchen. When she entered there was one setting at the head of the table. The chair was pulled out. She walked over to it and sat down as if she had done it all before.

A steaming plate was waiting for her approval. Chilled juices and hot coffee in  bone china. She thought how quiet it was and the music played. She picked up her utensils and began to eat. The house smiled, she was home.


lady in yellow

castle 2