
She was the Mistress. A married virgin. Lily had ventured a way from home too far. She stumbled upon the beautiful glow and couldn’t resist walking closer. She was hovering around the flickering lights when she blinked and she was standing in the center of the entry way.

Lily beat on the solid oak doors but no one heard her. She cried for hours and screamed but silence laughed back at her. Darkness came and her little tummy was churning. She was yawning  and her little body was exhausted. She was too frightened  to sleep.

She ventured in the surrounding rooms. Very tall ceilings. Wood trim; a welcome sight to most eyes. Deep, dark-red, velvet curtains draped the height of at least three of Lily’s size. Rows and rows of shelves. Books she didn’t understand. When she lifted one from the shelf she left her print where dust had collected.

Stepping out of the library she found the kitchen. There were no signs of food. Cobwebs gently draped over door handles. The sun shining through a tall, slender window allowed Lily to explore closer.

She opened the refrigerator but as she closed it the echos of empty danced for her. Wall to wall built-in hutches, lined with colorful china  with rainbow glass protecting it. Light bouncing from the sun cast tiny fairies to dance on the walls.

Lily went through a few more rooms but it was getting dark outside and she was getting sleepier. She ended up back in the Library. There was a settee and she took her shoes off and took the tiny fringed pillow and rested her head on it.

The thick air and the secrets of the house draped a blanket of sleep over her. While she rested, the heart beat faster from within the walls. The house was not alone anymore. Creaking and stepping, soft turns of door knobs turning. Magic began to fill the house and when Lily awoke the breathing of the house provided heat and light.

She walked until she found the bathroom. Walking in she almost fainted when she looked at herself in the sparkling mirror. She had grown. No longer was she a child, she was a grown woman.

She ran her hands over her breasts and felt the curves of her shapely hips. Touching her hair that hung down to her waist. Her lips taut and her cheeks rosy she was looking at a beautiful woman.

She took a thick cloth and wet it with cool water. Wiping her eyes she looked into the mirror once again. She saw her reflection smiling at her. She no longer had on a play dress. She was dressed in fine linens. Diamonds played gently around her neck. Matching earrings dangled gently from her soft lobes. A huge rock sat upon her third finger.

She left the bathroom and went to the kitchen. When she entered there was one setting at the head of the table. The chair was pulled out. She walked over to it and sat down as if she had done it all before.

A steaming plate was waiting for her approval. Chilled juices and hot coffee in  bone china. She thought how quiet it was and the music played. She picked up her utensils and began to eat. The house smiled, she was home.


lady in yellow

castle 2

Full Of Heart Blogging Award


My wonderful friend original apple nominated me for this cute award. Isn’t the symbol adorable. I believe these new awards were originally started by Bonita, at For in his glory here at WordPress.

My friend apple is amazing. She is busy busy busy with her continuing education, and living life, going for the gusto, getting all out of life she can squeeze. Please make sure to go over to her web site and give her a look!! You won’t be sorry.

The rules of this award are as follows:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog
2. Share the people or things you love most in an anagram using the word HEART
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers and notify them of their nominations

H-I will start off with the word heart, this is what I have that I live by. It can feel joy or sadness

E. Eager, I am eager to try to help others, and have their days hold a little sun in their life

A.-Adjustable, I am constantly having to adjust my days, schedules, attitudes, and moods

R.- Rich in God’s spirit and forgiveness, but poor in the realities of this world

T.- Trained, I am trained in the medical field for over twenty years, but it is never long enough, as there is so much more I need to learn


Seven blogger nominations:


Faith has also nominated me for the Commentator Award, and I thanked her for this, but after just blogging about it  yesterday, I decided to let others share their awards.

Pink Ninjabi





Anne Schilde


Thank you so much for this award nomination Apple. I love your website!!!!

From Fairy Tales To Reality

Big Bad Wolf

Big Bad Wolf (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When we were children, we were read many books, that would lull us into a restful sleep, to only arise upon the morning sun. Visions of sugar plums dancing in our young minds, dreams of fairy princesses, making our wishes come true of the new toy our heart desired for the moment.

Wiggling down under the covers, afraid of the big bad shadows  that may come along and get  us. Worrying at our young age, that when we woke up, and went to the kitchen, we really would see green eggs and ham.

Counting sheep when we could not sleep, and watching the cow jump over the moon, was fun. We could spend many nights daydreaming our way into sleep land. Watching Captain Kangaroo, and asking mommy, if we could go see a talking moose. Being afraid, that if we told our parents that we got a bad grade on our report card, and instead chose to hide our report card, causing us to lie to mom and dad about where the card went, would and could cause our nose to grow long.

There was the wicked witch of the east that hated everyone, forcing me to go crawl into bed with my parents for fear of the unknown. The three blind mice, see how they run. Will they try to run over my blankets in the dark tonight?

How about the scene, where I had to close my eyes, because watching a frog kiss a princess to me was gross, the kiss was awful, but the frog was pretty cool! I remember having mommy help me pray that the cowardly lion would get a heart like we had.

One time it took me hours to fall asleep as I was afraid of the giant chasing me and wanting to eat me in Jack and The Beanstalk. I learned that if I bent over and made my arms  like a spout, I could pour tea. This was magic!

I asked daddy one day what our house was made of, and he said, aren’t you a little young to be involved with architects? I told him I wanted to make sure the big bad wolf couldn’t blow our house down, and he laughed and picked me up and gave me a big hug and a kiss, and said don’t worry, we will keep you safe.

One day I went outside for my play time and I spent my time digging holes in the yard, looking for my magic lamp. Mom cried when she saw the damages to the yard. This made me feel bad, and I hugged her and promised I would never dig holes again.

One time I was playing dress up in my mommy’s closet, and I picked out a bright, shiny dress and put it around my head and pretended to be Little Red Riding Hood. I found out later it was mom’s special nightie, whoops.

When we had my favorite dinner, I made sure to gobble mine right up so the big bad wolf would not eat it all. I would check in the mirror and see if my teeth were beginning to grow as long as the wolf’s.

I was afraid of spiders, as they would come try to scare me away, and not let me eat my meal. I asked mom if I could take a lamb to school one day, because I was lonely, and I wanted a new friend for myself, and she said no!

I learned what sounds the animals made by singing the song Old McDonald had a farm. One day I went through all of the clothes closets and pulled out everyone’s shoes. I lined them up in a row, and then looked in each one trying to see the Old Lady That Lived In The Shoe. Mommy made me put them all back, right now!

I never wanted to lose my mittens, because if I did, I would not get any of that pie tonight, that mommy baked, and it sure smelled good. I think it was cherry pie.

We were all brought up on fairy tales, and these were some of my favorites that I was read, and I also read these to my children. Now, today, there are no more fairy tales, and I realize that the life I live is called reality. I can still dream, and I have the right to make my own choices in my life. I can choose to be the fairy godmother, or the wicked witch of the east. I can choose to walk forward, or to remain in the past.

For me, I have chosen to walk the path moving forward. I don’t want to be any particular fairy tale. I figure the best I can be is a combination of several of my favorites. Carrying with me the fables of love, attitude, dreams, and hope for the future.