The Cow Jumped Over The Moon

When we were little and couldn’t go to sleep we were told to count sheepcounting-sheep-karen-aune. If that didn’t work we could be asked to count the cows jumping over the moon.cow-jumping-over-the-moon While we laid there believing that what our parents said was gold, we would see shadows bouncing on the walls.shadows on walls Or maybe we would see big scary things under our bed.

Now that we are all grown up, what can you think of that we could do or see when we can’t sleep?

Maybe it could be images of bills.scary bills Maybe it would be stress at work.stress at work

Or maybe we would dream of a vacation together.laying on beach Or maybe a trunk filled with gold coins.TREASURE_CHEST_s Or maybe we would dream of our wedding dress we would wear one dress

What would put you to sleep quickly and have a restful night?