Sisterhood of the World’s Bloggers Award

This morning when I awoke with sleepy eyes, and crap in them from all of the rain, making them fuzzy for a few moments, I saw that I had been nominated for the Sisterhood of the World’s Bloggers Award. This award was given to me by, Terri has become a good friend and an inspiration to me. She shows me that with much prayer and faith, I can overcome my own obstacles. This is something that I have not been able to do over night. I have lived so many years with the beliefs, that I have, but I am slowly changing. Thank you Terri, for opening this girl’s eyes!

I am also a blabber mouth, and am not usually afraid to speak of my life, but when it comes to saying something special about myself, I have to sit and think about this. What is special about me? What don’t you already know? I can not put down jelly and bacon sandwiches as Terri did. That thought made me lose my appetite! LOL.

This one thing about me may make you laugh. I am allergic to rain, yes, rain! I had allergy test done years ago and the doctor said I was allergic to something that the rain stirs up in the air, but truthfully, when I do the dishes or take a shower, I sneeze constantly from the water.

You are supposed to tell seven things about yourself, but I can not think of anything else. You are also to give credit back to the one who nominated you, plus nominate others.

I would like to nominate







Thank you again, Terri, for thinking of me in your nominations!