A Final Farewell to Al for Terry

This was written for me about my dear brother who passed today. Love and much hugs Alastair

A Mixed Bag

This poem is for Terry’s brother, Al who was taken by the angels at 08:30 this morning. 
My thoughts are with Terry and her family at this time.

Terry asked me to write a poem to say goodbye to him. You can find Terry’s blog here.

Al suffered from MSA – Multiple System Atrophy which is a “neurological disorder that affects adult men and women. It is caused by degeneration or atrophy of nerve cells in several (or multiple) areas of the brain which can result in problems with movement, balance and automatic functions of the body such as bladder and blood pressure control.

You can find more details on Multiple System Atrophy here and here.




As my brother I have loved you
For all of your fifty-eight years
We have argued and fought
Brought each other to tears

I would never change…

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20 thoughts on “A Final Farewell to Al for Terry

  1. Hi Terry, Just opened my e-mails, and read the news of Al’s passing. He graduated into the most wonderful place you could ever imagine. My prayers are with you. God will bring you through this unwelcome chapter in your life. He loves you, and will bless you in the years to come, for caring so much for one of His children. You are an example of what a loving sister should be. We should be so blessed. God be with you.


  2. Terry, my prayers are with you. Although we have never met in person, I am proud of the way you hung in there with Al until the very end. It is a reflection of your faith, carried through so long a shared trial. Your example has spoken volumes to thousands of people, from all over, people who one day will be faced with the same situation. Your choice, even in the midst of a whirlwind of competing emotions and ideas, shines through. I pray God will give you peace, pleasant days, and lighten all your days and nights. May all the blessings of God be with you…following after you.


  3. Hi Terry, Just came to know about Al. Am keeping you and him in my prayers. God is watching over you. May he bless you and may he grant you his peace and strength. Stay strong. Hugs to you.


  4. Terry, I’ve been away for a while dealing with my own problems but I saw this in my reader today. I’m so sorry for your loss!!! Although you know that Al is much happier now, being perfected in heaven, I know this is a huge blow for you and the loss will be felt for a very long time. You always have my love, thoughts and prayers, dear friend!! Terri


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