So This Was Sunday

It started out I was going to help an elderly man clean his new mobile home. Not that the mobile home is new, but new to him. He is unable to get around well enough so I said yes.

It went from there to cleaning most of the rooms he would use. Next he wanted me to help sell his house for him.trailer 3 Then it advanced to me selling some of his personal items inside his house, which I did tonight, by listing them on FB.

I was rather busy today. Doing a lot and yet nothing it seemed. AJ wanted to go outside a zillion times today. I will always take him out to potty and he gets to go for his walks, but he wants to go out and just play and I don’t do that. I have too much to do.

AJ double shotWhile we were out for the last walk of the evening we saw a disabled guy using his home-made go-cart.go cart I wish I could do what I did today. A little of this and a little of that. It was fun and I am helping someone and taking my photo shots, but darn, it brings me no money to pay the bills.

10 thoughts on “So This Was Sunday

    • That would be awesome. i was trying to figure out what a title could be said to let others know I will help them place ads for selling their personal items or posting like the trailer etc. If you can think of something clever let me know


    • I used to be a real estate agent, but oh boy, it was a dog eat dog world, and the lies, it got to me and I got out. I could probably take a percentage. That is a good idea. I did get a part time job today in non medical for patients. About 16 hours per week. This should help but I am still pondering on my idea too


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