How I Get Through

Resurrection of Christ

Resurrection of Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Every time I am on a beat myself up trip, for not making Al smile, or forgetting something that he wanted, or oversleeping, or what ever it may be, I try to remember that I am loved by God and forgiven by Jesus. I know that I can never be perfect. I realize I can not please everyone who wants something from me. Sometime I have to say no. I am not worthy of anything in my life, yet I am also so blessed for just being myself and loving my almighty God.

I found this video one time at Easter, and have saved it for my own reassuring that I am alright. I am loved, even if I have no companion with me.I am loved, even though I make lots of mistakes.

Please let me share this special video with you to show you who you and I can always count on in our  lives  when the chips are down, or when  we are sad, or feel overwhelmed and stressed. Please copy and paste and watch and listen.

Thank you,

Terry Shepherd