How I Get Through

Resurrection of Christ

Resurrection of Christ (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Every time I am on a beat myself up trip, for not making Al smile, or forgetting something that he wanted, or oversleeping, or what ever it may be, I try to remember that I am loved by God and forgiven by Jesus. I know that I can never be perfect. I realize I can not please everyone who wants something from me. Sometime I have to say no. I am not worthy of anything in my life, yet I am also so blessed for just being myself and loving my almighty God.

I found this video one time at Easter, and have saved it for my own reassuring that I am alright. I am loved, even if I have no companion with me.I am loved, even though I make lots of mistakes.

Please let me share this special video with you to show you who you and I can always count on in our  lives  when the chips are down, or when  we are sad, or feel overwhelmed and stressed. Please copy and paste and watch and listen.

Thank you,

Terry Shepherd

29 thoughts on “How I Get Through

  1. First time I saw The Passion I cried a river. This is the first time seeing it since then. It tells me I have no idea what Jesus suffered for us but I’m grateful, very grateful. Without it there would be no resurrection, no life, abundant or eternal, no knowing God, no help, no encouragement, no hope…the list is endless.
    The Lord bless you and keep you: The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26


      • Yes – over the last few years we have become poor in the worldly sense, but through this I’ve come to realize how rich we are in Jesus. We are rich in the truest sense when we know Jesus.


      • i am in the same situation you are IB. with not being able to work while caring for my brother, i have been able to see more how i m blessed. i may not have what i wish for but my needs are taken care of. there is such a big difference between wishes and needs, and when we have more monies, we tend to forget this, or at least i do. after all, we are not taking anything with us from this earth to heaven, are we?


  2. The Passion always brings me to tears. Thank you for sharing it with us! Never think you have no rights to something good or to say no once in a while. Never completely lose yourself, especially to please someone out of wants and not needs. You are doing a wonderful thing for Al, and one day the Lord will tell you just how amazing you have been because you have been so caring and loving.


  3. hey did you keep standing your ground with Al and the family situation yesterday??
    the physical suffering was bad, but what gets me is that he had to then descend into hell which would have been beyond what we could ever imagine…hence dying for us. it rips my guts out and humbles me how much he loves us


    • i never did back down, and he continued this even into the next day. he kept telling me Satan made him do it. I did explain about Satan and his own ability to make choices. He cried most of those two days, and finally tonite, he did a turn around. This is partly due to the illness, any my standing my ground. it was a tough one. I have saved that video in my computer for some time, and when I don’t feel like I am what I should be, I watch it and see I am exactly who i should be………


      • GOOD!! i know it is the illness to, but it seem to me he is pretty aware of how to manipulate you yet, and he will use the illness to his advantage if you let him! i am guessing if you keep doing that his pouting episodes will taper off completely…he will know you are on to him. 😉
        yes that video…there aren’t words..


      • i want to thank u for pointing out what he could be doing, and i think you are right on target. he is using his illness to gang up on my feelings


      • don’t you even think that! if you hadn’t pointed this out to me buck, i would still be continuing to blame EVERYTHING on his illness. after all, he does have a mind and his mentality is mild, not severe, he can still think and plot. i thank you, and i like knowing u care, u have become special to me these past couple of weeks BUCK!


  4. Don’t ever feel you are not worthy…nothing could be further from the truth! You were given one of the most thankful jobs due to how worthy you actually are. Being a caregiver is one of the toughest things anyone could ever due. And to do it with the love you have, even more so.


  5. I’m glad you are learning not to be so hard on yourself. Jesus said we should take His yoke on us because it is easy and His burden because it is light. That’s partly why He died on the cross so we don’t have to carry burdens too heavy for us or wear the yoke of the world or the flesh which is way to hard for us. He bore the heavy load so we don’t have to. And I agree with Teresa that your gravitar is great. I always like to see what people look like so I can relate names and faces to what they write.


    • thank you. I am terrible with names, and i think it is because i have no faces to go with names. i end up using the initials of their blog name. i don’t know why i feel i have to carry it all, i have always been this way and am just now getting to the point of understanding that i don’t have to do it..i don’t have to say yes to everyone and i can let god have my worries


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