Continuing Story Part 11

English: Old Dahlia

Dahlia didn’t say too much or stand up and walk away, so the Principal took this as his cue to explain how going to this school could all work out.

He told teacher and Dahlia that there was a home within walking distance from the school, that housed a family of two sons along with the parents and that there were also four extra bedrooms that were on the back of the house that held students going to school. The principal had already spoken to this family about Dahlia and they had said they would love to open their doors to her while she attended school.

Her duties would include helping to take care of the daily chores around the home, help prepare meals and that each student was in charge of keeping their own rooms clean, and everyone shared the duties of laundry, feeding the pets, and cleaning the bathrooms.

Each student had curfews to stick to of when they had to be in at night. There was to be no smoking or any opposite males or females in any of the bedrooms. School grades had to remain above a C average,and graduation had to be completed. If anyone chose to drop out of school or were evicted from school grounds, this was an automatic dismissal from this home also.

After the Principal told all the information about the home, he looked at Dahlia and asked her if she would like to go look at it, she said nothing but did nod her head and ask when. He stated right now, if this would be alright with the teacher, and she nodded yes.

They all stood up and with Dahlia’s arm wrapped around teacher and her cane in her other hand, they all walked over to the house. The teacher was impressed by the looks of the big house. It seemed spacious, and was a big white house with a brick porch running all the front of the house. There were two porch swings hanging from the ceiling at each end. They yard was filled with many shade trees, and the yard was quite large and neatly trimmed.

The Principal knocked on the front door announcing their arrival, and the wife of the house, Rachel opened the door and welcomed them and motioned to them to come on in and have a seat. They all entered, and Dahlia noticed there were no rails here for her to feel her way, but her new cane could help replace the rails.

They all sat in the sitting room and Rachael told the teacher and Dahlia a little bit about herself and her family. Her husband’s name was Ralph and they had two sons who lived with them, that actually taught at the school Dahlia was going to be attending, if she liked it here well enough. Their sons names were Drake and Drew.

Rachael asked if they would like to take a tour of the home, and they all stood to follow her. They went first to the spacious living room. Dahlia could hear a television in the background and used her cane to feel the couch and three chairs. There was a piano in one corner, and the television was in the opposite corner. Next they went into the dining room where there didn’t seem to be much there but a big, long table with several chairs. This is where we all eat at meal times, and no one is to miss, unless there is a school activity that prevents them from being here, Rachel said.

Next they located the kitchen, where other students were making preparations for the next meal. The ladies stopped and introduced themselves to Dahlia and welcomed her to their home and told her how much they knew she would love it here, that Ralph and Rachel were wonderful people.

Rachel showed them the bathroom and there was a shower stall in the corner, and a sink and a stool. This was sort of a small room Dahlia thought, but there were several shelves lining the floor and rising up that could hold personal items for bathing and dressing.

The last room Rachel showed them was the bedroom that would be hers, if she chose to stay here. Rachel walked using her cane and felt the bed, she sat down on it and it was nice and soft. She felt a night stand next to the bed, and walking around the room, she felt the window, that was warming her face from the sun shining through. She felt lace curtains adorning the window, and moving a bit farther, she could feel a small desk and a chair. Upon leaving the room she bumped into a large piece of furniture, and Rachel explained that this was her wardrobe closet. All of her clothes would be hung in here and there were shelves built inside for underclothing and other garments.

Rachel guided them all back to the sitting room and sitting down she asked the teacher and Dahlia what they thought of their tour and would Dahlia like to live here while going to school. Could she follow all the rules and keep her studies up. Dahlia stood up and followed the voice of Rachel and placed her arms around her giving her a warm hug and saying she would love to come here to live.

The teacher patted the Principal’s hand and they both smiled relieved that this was going to work out. Dahlia would continue with her studies to be a dancer and she would also have a safe home to live that was near by the school.

The principal thanked Rachel for the tour, and said that the teacher and Dahlia would be back in a few days with Dahlia’s belongings.

They all walked back to the school, and once again papers were filled out for entrance to the school.  A paper with all rules was given to the teacher and a dress code rule paper. A scholarship paper had been given to Dahlia for attending a blind school, so there were no worries on payments, which was a big relief to the teacher and Dahlia. Soon all was done and completed. Dahlia would be starting this school next week, and a home had been found also. A call had been made to the teacher’s friend, and when the  meeting was done, they both walked out of the school and got into the waiting car.


Continuing Story Part 10

Continuing Story Part 9

Continuing Story Part 8

Continuing Story Part 7

My Continuing Story Part 6

Picture And Write It, Part 5

Picture And Write It, Part 4

Picture and Write It Part 3

Continuation of Picture and Write It July 22, 2012, Part 2

Picture It And Write It July 22, 2012

19 thoughts on “Continuing Story Part 11

    • thank you Mona for being honest with me. speaking of honesty, i have never tried writing a book, and have no idea whether it is even worthy of trying to push, but when it is done, it is mine, a legacy to leave my children, but if it ever hit the shelf of any business, i would be so humbled. i know nothing when it comes to getting a book together once it is done, but i am enjoying putting my thoughts to paper. thank you


  1. when you are done and start editing any threads or plot ideas that need altering can be done for now you are doing a wonderful job writing keep going and I know there will be plenty of help for you with editing and publishing if you need any, 😀


      • you have lots of writer friends on here I am sure will be happy to help out I did it via fb I started a group on there and had a few friends reading pointing out all my typos and things that needed changing and I will be more than happy to help if you need any, I am working on a ghost story collection that I intend to publish via createspace on amazon then buy copies as presents for family for christmas if i get it done on time aswell as publishig as an ebook for anyone who wants to read it


      • I am sure there are plenty of mistakes on my pages. Being a first time writer with no training other than my thoughts, I could use all the help I can find. I appreciate your offer, and I will definitely keep you in mind. My book is more than half done, so hopefully it won’t be too long. Thank you Paula!


  2. This was a good … to be continued – the story has become a bit lighter .. and there is some hope in it. You’re a very good writer and you write to I can understand, I don’t have a clue if it’s right or wrong in there, and I don’t really care – because I enjoy reading it. Bring it on.


  3. Pingback: Continuing Story Part 19 | terry1954

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