Twinkle Twinkle

Twinkle twinkle, little girl

English: Twinkle Twinkle little star (English)...

Get some guts and be ready to hurl

Bring the toughness here to me

For I am going to be queen bee.

Twinkle twinkle hear my voice

You have left me no other choice

I am drawing my life today

I swear part if it will go my way.

Twinkle twinkle to those who stray

And try to avoid me on this day

Someday you will regret I know

That your cute face never did show.

Twinkle twinkle little star

I don’t wonder now where you are

With friends who care and show they do

I am getting smarter and much taller too.


Terry Shepherd


Continuing Story Part 12

The teacher and Dahlia arrived at home after leaving the school. Tea was made and as

English: Dahlia x hybrida

they sipped it, they talked of the upcoming move and what was going to need to be packed up and moved over to Rachel and Ralph’s home. They had two days to get everything together and be moved, as school started on Monday.

After tea time was over, they both went to Dahlia’s bedroom and they began the journey of going through clothes and seeing what needed to be ironed or rewashed. Before they both knew it, the teacher was looking at clothes instead of a bed.

Dahlia was surprised at how easily she had been convinced to move to these strangers home, but deep inside her, she knew her dream of dancing had never been snuffed out. She let the teacher carry the clothing out to the living room. A pile was made on the sofa and the teacher had Dahlia put some of her personal items that she could live without, in a basket and had her bring them to the living room.

As teacher folded, and straightened clothing, Dahlia asked questions about the new home she was going to live in. The reply was that she was sure this student was going to be comfortable and it was a great opportunity for her education. The other students living there seemed well-mannered, and so she was sure all was going to be alright.

The rest of the day was spent finishing up the packing, getting a neighbor next door to bring the trunk out of the cellar, and getting things packed up and shut tight. The neighbor helped get the full trunk out on the porch, and even offered to give them each a lift to the new home.

Sunday came and by now all was empty out of Dahlia’s bedroom, except the bedding and draperies. It looked so empty to the teacher. She felt a small pinch in her heart as she realized she was letting someone go forth, that had become so important to her, but she could not hold her back for her own selfish reasons of loneliness. The two ladies went arm in arm to church, and both sang with more joy from their souls as they knew that a new adventure was being started for the student.

An announcement had been made that Dahlia would be moving for educational purposes, and after church they were invited to a friend’s home for lunch for a celebration. After this busy weekend, once they returned home from their guest’s home, they both retired to their bedrooms for a nap, that was much-needed.

The morning came and the neighbor was there bright and early. They had not made it to the home with all of her belongings,the day before, and so Dahlia started school one day later. They got everything moved into her new bedroom and the teacher cried as she hugged Dahlia, and told her how she would miss her, and how she would come to visit often, and Dahlia felt her own tears from her eyes. After hugs and goodbyes and well wishes were complete, the driver and the teacher left, and silence fell over the room for a moment.

Rachel walked Dahlia to her room and told her that lunch was at twelve sharp, and she would leave her to unpack and arrange her clothing and accessories. Once alone, Dahlia found her way to the bed and sat down and quietly sobbed, as she realized she was alone without her teacher, and fearful and excited at the same time about her tomorrows.

The house was quiet, as the students and the two sons were at the school, so she put a few items away and found herself wanting to rest her eyes for just a moment, and so she laid down on the bed, and was asleep when the sound of the knocking on the door alerted her to lunch.

She jumped and sat up and then stood and using her cane, she made her way to the kitchen. A cup of soup and an egg sandwich was waiting for her. The two ate together, and while Dahlia ate, Rachel told her more of the family living here and the students.

Dahlia found herself relaxing and soon joined in the conversation, asking questions about her husband, her two sons, what the school looked like. Rachel explained the blind school was the best in the territory. They had a way of bringing out the best in the students, and the dance classes were taught from the most updated books straight from New York.

After lunch Rachel had Dahlia help by showing her around the kitchen, teaching her where the dirty dishes went and where the trash barrel was. When this was completed, Rachel asked her if she would like to walk over to the school with her and they would announce that their new student was here and ready to start in the morning. They both left and soon arrived and walked in the big doors.

They met with the principal and he welcomed Dahlia with a big hand shake and told them that if they were quiet, they could wander the halls and peek in on the classes. Dahlia heard a few teachers. Some were talking of mathematics, others history, and then she heard the familiar sounds of music. They both stood outside the swinging doors and listened to the dance instructor talk about footing and steps that needed to be done better. The music ran through Dahlia’s veins and she became anxious to start the next day.

They left the school and once home, Rachel left Dahlia to herself for the afternoon, announcing to her that at four o’clock, she was to be in the kitchen to help prepare dinner with the other students. She expected Dahlia to have all of her belonging put in their proper place, because the supper and hours afterwards were spent together as family time.

Dahlia agreed and went to work getting her bedroom made to her liking, hanging all clothes and placing other garments on the shelves. She put her toiletries where they belonged and had a little basket that had the routine accessories ready to take to the bathroom each day for her shower.

It was four p.m. and Dahlia found herself standing in the kitchen with the other students and they all said hello to her, and then began to explain what her part of the duties were for tonight’s supper.

Ping of Sadness Before I am Awake


I was woken up from my sleep by my phone going off alerting me to receiving a text. I rolled over and put my glasses on, and looked at the new message. It says, I am sorry, I am not feeling good and am on my way to the ER. I won’t be able to come today.

It was from the caregiver. At first, I was mad, then I became real, and realized I had made the choice to hire a very nice lady to watch over Al, who happened to have health problems also.

I have made a mistake, not thinking of me first, in a way. I thought of me first because I want a break so darn bad, that I hired a nice lady. I made a mistake though, by not being smart enough to realize that this could affect certain dates of her not being here, due to her health.

This is not the first time, nor the second, that my plans have gone down the tubes, but it is my last time. I can make choices. Although, I wish her well, and I hope her health becomes stable, I need a break.

My heart is feeling some sadness still at not getting out, but I placed an ad in the local newspaper to get a new respite caregiver, who is  healthier. My gosh, what if something happened to her while Al was in her care? I guess that statement is made in hind site.

This getting tougher around the edges and thinking in the priority level is difficult, but I am doing it. I would normally have just accepted the fact that she was not coming, been sad, and hoped for another chance to have my break, but this time, thanks to so many of you saying to me, that I need to be a little selfish for my sake, I have placed the ad which will start tomorrow. I will get my break, I do need my break, and I think Al could use a break from me too. Let’s hope I find another nice lady with better health!