This Was So Cute, I Wanted To Share It

The softer, orange-fleshed variety of sweet po...

A lot of my blogger friends live in the country, or have gardens or farm. When I came across this little love letter I just had to share with you. I thought it was so cute, and I bet my bottom dollar, some of you will enjoy it also!

It is called

A Farmer’s Love Letter

My dearest Sweet Potato,

You are the apple to my eye with your radish hair and your turnip nose. My heart beets for you. My love for you is as strong as onions. Do you carrot all for me? If we cantaloupe, lettuce marry and we will be a happy pear.


String Bean


Wasn’t that just so adorable????

Continuing Story Part 15


After they arrived home from school, they were each to go to their rooms and study their


English: Dahlia 'Graceland'


books. Dahlia did her best, but her mind kept wandering to the handsome teacher with the deep voice.


Drake was at the kitchen table and he was going over papers that were turned in that day, and placing marks on good papers, and others, making checks where improvement need to be made. After finishing this part, he opened his teacher guide-book and scanned over what tomorrow’s lesson was going to be on, and made some notations of what he wanted to make sure his class understood.


Soon, he heard the steps of the ladies coming into the kitchen. They were starting to prepare supper, and as Dahlia entered the room, Drake noticed the room brought a bright ray of sunshine in. His mind flashed for a moment of the view he took in as she entered the room, but hastily closed his books and placed them in his teacher’s bag, all ready for the new day.


He started to get up and leave the ladies to their work, but Sue asked him if he could go into the cellar and bring up two jars of green beans and a jar of red beets. She explained how dark cellars just sent shivers down her spine.


Drake wasn’t so eager to leave for unknown reasons to him, so he said, of course he would help by going to get them. After he left, Sue and Dahlia’s eyes met and a wink was tossed in each others direction.


When Drake arrived with the jars, Ellen had an apron waiting for him, and said that all of them would love to hear about what was planned for the year in his class. Drake didn’t realize that he had been conned into staying with them, so Dahlia could get to know him better. They knew that a man loved nothing better than to talk about themselves, so they set the bait, and he bit.


As Drake spoke of his love of teaching and what they were going to learn this year, one was peeling potatoes and carrots, another was browning some meat, Sue was making fresh lemonade, and Ellen was slicing bread, and Drake was found setting the table.


The time for preparations went very quickly as all ears and eyes were on Drake, drinking in all of his thoughts, while catching Dahlia sneaking a glance at Drake off and on. The ladies giggles softly, covering their mouths with their hands, so not to force Drake to ask what was going on.


Soon Rachael and Ralph walked in the front doors and met up with everyone bustling in the kitchen, finishing up their individual chores. Sue announced supper would be ready in about ten minutes, if Rachael and Ralph wanted to freshen up first. With that the husband and wife turned around and walked out, saying they would be back in a few minutes.


The finishing touches were placed on the table, when Drew walked in with a bouquet of flowers, he had picked in the back yard. The table candles were lit, Rachael and Ralph had reappeared, and they once again all sat down, with Drake sitting directly across from Dahlia. All took hands and said grace and thanks for the foods and good things that had happened in this day.


Rachael commented on how nice the table looked and Dahlia piped in that Drake had set the table. Rachael and Ralph looked at each other in surprise and then looked at Dahlia’s transparent eyes, and all smiled and began to eat.


After dinner, all was cleaned up and since it was such a beautiful evening, they all decided to post the time to sit on the porch, and take a walk, going in no particular direction, just where the feet led them.


Drake found himself stepping in line with Dahlia, and Dahlia felt her heart skip a beat, but never let on that she felt him so near. The chatter was nice among all of them. They commented on  the houses that were being decorated for the fall holidays. Wreaths of red and orange leaves could be found on front doors, and kids had pasted real leaves in front windows. Crickets could be  heard, and their was a change in the air, as fall was entering and summer was leaving. Crisp air, filled the nostrils, making breathing a joy. Trees were starting to change colors and all commented on the beauty of this transformation.


Once the walk was over they went back to the boarding home, and no one wanted to go inside, so they sat on the porch and most of this time was spent in silence and their own personal thoughts.


Rachael yawned, and others took cue of this and they all drifted off to their own rooms, to finish up any book work that didn’t get done before supper, and to get ready for bed.


Dahlia spent her time without the books, but instead chose to go to the kitchen, and using a chair for balance, she practiced some dance moves she had been learning. Her legs and ankles felt weak, and she needed much work to sturdy them and make them strong. She used her cane and imagined her distance around the table, and then carefully, twirled herself around, lifting one leg, and standing on tip toe with the other. Her hands delicately went into the air, as if speaking to someone, and gently lowering them. Such grace she was using,and thoughts so intense, that she didn’t notice that someone was standing in the door way smiling and watching.


Who We Are

English: Man sagging with woven boxer shorts.

Jeans down to the crack

Showing respect is oh so lax

Boxer shorts in colors galore

Makes my eyes wish for no more

What is the statement being made

When my face turns crimson and many shades

I want to believe that they have smarts

But all I see is brains come apart

Each of us were made to be

To fit in with our family

We were given talents to share

Not to see your underwear

The pressures of being a youth today

Cause many kids to go a stray

To be accepted in a group

Has thrown their thoughts for a loop

I know that once I was a teen

And I wanted to be oh so keen

An ear was pierced, my dad got mad

I wanted to fit, but he mad me sad

I wore skirts and little shirts

Mom said be careful, when playing in dirt

Don’t show your privates to other eyes

Don’t lie in grass, legs to the skies

Cross your legs, don’t let eyes in

Because you don’t want to cause others to sin

Now most morals have left the door

Anything goes from shore to shore

I am glad my parents cared

And loved me by the way they shared

That staying true to who you are

Will keep you close and not drift too far.

August 29,2012

Terry Shepherd