Daily Prompt; The Daily Post

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

When you look back at your blog on January 2, 2015, what would you like to see?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us PROGRESS.

This is really chancing it. Taking time and putting a stamp on it. But for a blog’s make-believe prompt, I will play the game.

In January and in February, I continued to write about Al’s condition with MSA. One morning though when I went to wake him up, there was a note left behind from him. It said he was sorry he had to go, but he was invited by the angels and decided to fly off with them.

I remember writing to all of my friends about my broken heart and yet could manage to add a line or two about how happy I was that he was no longer in pain.

March and April I could see that Spring was coming. I was able to open the windows off and on to clear  the staleness of winter. I usually made my daily trip to Al’s room where it was left untouched from the day he left.

With the sun shining and the window open a crack I looked around at his huge collection and it came to me it was time to box up his possessions. It took me a few weeks to do it as this task always made me sad and weepy.

Once this was done I had a clear room if you didn’t check the closets. I slowly began to take pieces of my antiques into his room to fill up the empty spaces and within a couple of weeks I had a  new room to look at.

By the end of April Spring was definitely in the air and I noticed one day that I was smiling when I looked into my mirror. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about my dear brother, but I had by now caught up on all those lost hours of sleep.

My birthday had come and my children had all surprised me with a big birthday party since I turned 60. I had pondered on whether to sell my home and move to where my daughter was or to stay here in the frigid winters.

What I decided on was to stay here but go visit her for a few weeks in the winters. A few more weeks I spent with my best girlfriend, catching up on so many lost chats. I made arrangements with different friends I had made on here. I drove or flew out to see these friends in the next several months.

Getting to meet the people who had supported me throughout Al’s illness was a dream come true. We each had our tears and yet there was plenty of laughter and sight-seeing. I came home from each visit with a new-found life. The last visit I made I brought home with me a name and a phone number of an awesome guy whom I had met.

By the time that December had rolled around I was almost back to normal. Al never left my mind for even one day. I could always see him standing hand in hand with Mom and Dad. All of them were smiling down on me and this warmed my heart.

This Christmas was going to be super special. Not only was I going to be able to see my children, the man who I had met was coming here for a visit.

On January 2, 2015, I got the proposal of my life and I said yes. Wow, life was full of sorrow the past seven years. But I was a good sister and daughter. I took care of my family as long as they needed me. Now things are beginning to turn and I find myself waking up smiling every day. Life is good, and getting better. Al, you would be proud of me. I told you I would be alright if you left. See? I wasn’t lying.

woman and sun

19 thoughts on “Daily Prompt; The Daily Post

  1. Terry, I am so very proud of you and happy for you for dealing with the tremendous stress, emotional strain and drain, yet being able to look through the powdery snow white clouds above into the bright sun above cascading across the royal blue sky.


  2. What a great look back to the future really… and I am sure we will have surprises, but life is good if it is not so predictable, so I do with that some surprises will come reality in your writing…… We shall see.


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