The New Year

The old year is gone and pretty much forgotten. Television ads running mad across the screen to prompt you to look at yourself closely. They convince you something is wrong with yourself. Too tall, too thick, too old looking. On and on they go, doing whatever they can to get some of that money of yours.

I was always a chubby girl starting school. I am not sure why I turned the scales upside down, but I do have my suspicions. When I was in the seventh grade, my mother introduced me to Weight Watchers.

There, I learned, that I should be if not, ashamed of what I looked like. You know friends? That episode when I was 12 years old never left. I have looked at myself in the mirror many times throughout the years. I have been on every diet I could afford. I am still chubby.

This year, my goal is about me. Very simple words too. Accept myself. Now you say it out loud. Can you do it? Is it difficult to get the words out. Not very many of us truly accept ourselves, but I am going to try my hardest to understand that I was not created to be a Barbie Doll.

I am chubby but I do have a pretty smile. I try to find the positive instead of weighing in on the negative. I get hurt, but who doesn’t? I have kicked myself for not looking like the lady down the street.

No more, I can’t take it. I have to accept that I am me. I have great things to offer, and lastly, I can never be perfect. That usually happens only in Hollywood.


11 thoughts on “The New Year

    • That is so nice of you to say. Thank you very much Patty. I wondered how you did at the holidays. For me, I struggled a little. I thought about my brother a lot. I concentrated on my grandchildren and children to get through


      • I struggled too – but God has blessed us with wonderful family. I also treasure the time I had with my husband and thank God for allowing me those years. We will always miss them and when we do God will comfort us and weep with us.

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  1. We are all what we are meant to be. We can never look like the models on the front of magazines, because even those models don’t look like that.

    We live on a planet where we are given impossible goals to strive for, ones that can never be attained. A size 00 woman will be made to look like a 000 to stop her looking “fat”.

    Be who you are.

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