Getting my ducks all in a row

There is something about a snow storm coming. First things first, when I learn that there is a storm warning. I make sure I have enough food, which has to include, in-date milk, bread and eggs. I can make tons of things from scratch with eggs. Next, I check my stock of toilet paper. Can I make it for an extra day, maybe a week? How much do I use in a days’ time? lol

After going through my list, I clean my home up. I catch up on laundry, in case water lines bust. I dust and sweep because I may not be able to see the dust in the dark and what if I lose electricity? Could I mentally stand having dirt on my carpet? lol Then I gather all of my candles together and place one in each room. Why would I do this? Well, I hate to use the ladies room and not be able to see where to use TP!!! I place two in the living room, because of course that will light up that area plus the kitchen. After all, how would I be able to use those three extra dozen eggs I bought?After everything is in its place and I am zonked from preparing for this wicked storm the media has warned me about, I must take a bath.

Wait, I would have to have help getting out of the tub. I better stick to my shower and shower chair. After all, who wants to be enclosed either alone or with family smelling myself. That would just ruin everything because then I would have to start worrying if anyone else can smell me and what are they thinking that they are not saying out loud.Now, I have everything done. Food is here, home is cleaned, I am clean. Time to grab something to eat, yes, anything but eggs. I may have to be forced to eat those for days. Remember what mom said, don’t waste food, and there ARE three dozen eggs sitting in my fridge now.I take my food and go in the living room and flip on the TV.

After all, later I may lose my electricity and I want to make sure I catch up with everything I watch, you know, just in case.I start to drift off. I get up and place my dirty dishes in the sink. Should I wash these few dishes? After all, I may not have water soon. No, I am too tired. Screw the dishes. They will be there , they are always there, waiting for me.I brush my teeth, and use the pot and go to my bedroom. I pull back the covers and take off my slippers and climb into my nice, soft flannel sheets. Wonder if I should have changed sheets and did an extra load of laundry. I laugh at myself as I think I am starting to sound a little off my rocker

. I turn my fan on and cover up to my neck. Sleep comes fast and I don’t wake up until morning.I don’t care about my blood pressure and staying still for a minute, I jump up and throw open the drapes. I am so disappointed. The grass is still green. The winds drifted farther north than was told, and the snow missed us. Oh well, I am clean. I have plenty to eat, the laundry is done, so back to sleep I go. Thank you media, for helping me get my ducks all in a row.

Written by,Terry Shepherd