Super Sweet Blogging Award

I will not make a fuss and make friends and bloggers repeat reading my prior award. I could not let it slide by thought without letting all of you know who nominated me for this award.

I received this award last evening, but it was  just too late to mention it, so I wanted to do it today, because I feel it is important to let others know who nominates me, and to be able to brag a little about the person.

The rules that I am not going to follow today, for the reasons above, are

Give credit to those who nominated you

Mentions seven things about yourself

Pass the award on to seven others

The blog that nominated was

This is just the sweetest little couple. They look so adorable standing together smiling.

Here is a peek at who they are

Jimmy and Cha are “fifty-something” physicians living in Taiwan. They used to travel a lot, but have toned it down a bit due to very busy schedules. Jimmy is teaching and practicing medicine, while Cha has decided to go into business.

Cha likes to write, and Jimmy likes training people. For now, Cha is just writing on any topic under the sun. She has many interests and can’t seem to get down to just one issue. She wants to write daily, except Sundays, a day of rest and worship.

In the future, though they want to minister to the youth. Since the youth is the future of the world, they want to start a youth ministry geared to help teens grow into confident and responsible adults. Together, they want to find their niche in blogging.


Thank you so much you two for this adorable nomination. The photo symbol looks good enough to eat.

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