Words To Remind Me

happy face cookies!

Happy Faces Biscuit

Alright young lady get back up

And quit acting like u been hit by a truck

You have no need to feel so low

So let’s take the past and let it go

You don’t want your friends to think your numb

Or have them worry that you’re oh so dumb

You’re not a teen with plenty to do

You take care of a brother who leans on you

So thank your lucky stars today

That you can breathe another day.

Terry Shepherd


19 thoughts on “Words To Remind Me

  1. Love the cookie … they are happy smiling … but your post are not happy – bake some cookies … get your mind on something else. You need smiles in your everyday, Terry.


    • i wrote myself that little poem i just posted, and i m better now, had to get down on myself and straighten up!!! actually, i just made that dressing that i gave you the recipe for last week. BBQ country ribs, mashed potatoes, dressing and green beans for supper tonight


  2. I love your poem, Terry. Sometimes we just have to sit ourselves down and give ourselves a good talking-to. It is far too easy to slip into feeling sorry for ourselves but that is so destructive. I pray that the Lord will truly be your shield and defense against depression.


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