Words To Remind Me

happy face cookies!

Happy Faces Biscuit

Alright young lady get back up

And quit acting like u been hit by a truck

You have no need to feel so low

So let’s take the past and let it go

You don’t want your friends to think your numb

Or have them worry that you’re oh so dumb

You’re not a teen with plenty to do

You take care of a brother who leans on you

So thank your lucky stars today

That you can breathe another day.

Terry Shepherd


Am I As Old As My Mind Says?




I see people everywhere I am


Some ignore and some say hi


Others smile as they go by.


I have lived here all my life


Except a few years where I tried to do


Something in my life that was all brand new.


I feel like at my age, I should know


At least a few I pass along my way


But no, I do not see anyone on this day.


Where have all the people gone


Who used to be in my life


Married a husband, or maybe a wife.


Now, as I get older, I search


The obits to look and maybe see


Recognition of a name that used to be.


Where has all the time gone


Am I really as old as they say


In my mind, it says I am getting younger every day.