Daily Prompt; From the Gut

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, DP, Daily Prompt

Tell us about the last time you had a real, deep, crying-from-laughing belly laugh.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us JOYFUL.

I already blogged a bit about this, but for this prompt it seems appropriate to tell the truth. The last time I had a deep, crying laugh was a week or so before my brother came home from the nursing home.

My son was in a crazy mood and decided that Mom should take an adventure with him on his golf cart. I have always thought these little trinkets were so adorable. I used to see them when I lived in Florida. All decked out with little canvas tops. Pretty fringe blowing softly in the wind.

Elderly waving to their friends as they passed by each other. How much more relaxing of a ride could this be? Getting some sun and yet having those faces protected from the shaded caps.

So when he offered me my first ride I hesitated only a moment. After all, my son is a very careful driver. He drives like I do or at least he drives this way when I am along with him. So I plop my rear end in the front seat and give him the signal I am ready.

Instead of taking off like my memories were showing me of the older people riding them, he took off with a quick jerk. My first instinct was to get the hell off before I killed myself. Instead I made deep imprints on the leather seats with my now beet-red fingers.

I was not about to let this punk kid know that I was frightened. He stopped and looked over at me and smiled. Little shit-head, he knows he is in control of this man-eating machine. He puts the pedal to the metal and off we go.

Now mind me, it felt like we were going 100 miles per hour. I think I lost my wig back a couple of miles and I am sure my skin was plastered wide from the wind in my face.mask I know that my dentures flew out because suddenly I felt this big gap in my mouth. I knew at that moment that a whole doughnut could now fit perfectly in my cavity.

denturesdoughnutBy this point it was either give in and let this kid of mine know I wanted off this very minute or hang tight and hold on.

I chose to hang on for all it was worth, relax a little and go for the ride.

Before I knew it my body had become numb and suddenly I found myself laughing so hard I was almost peeing my granny panties.

I really did have a good time. The stress I carried was gone. I felt a good ten years younger, and I slept very well that night. And to think, this was all from my roller coaster, golf cart ride.roller coaster

13 thoughts on “Daily Prompt; From the Gut

  1. Brilliant, fun … light hearted … and your image photos are excellent. 100 miles per hour in a golf cart – I would have been stiff scared. Tell your son to be more careful with … his “old” mom.*laughing. Great … post and great fun for you too. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt; Everything Changes | terry1954

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