Dig Deep For Strength, Wish Up On A Star

I know many of you comment on my strength, but today I feel tired. Watching and fussing over my brother. Watching what he does and what this icky disease is doing to me made me think of this song.

I am such a big baby. I have cleaned since Al has been resting. Although I am sucking it up tears are falling as I know Al and my time is limited. If I wished upon a star, would all my dreams come true? Or is this one time God is going to have his way.

23 thoughts on “Dig Deep For Strength, Wish Up On A Star

  1. Al is tired, is he ready to go home? You are strong and God will help you get through! We always want to hold on longer and it is okay to be a big baby.


    • I am so tired today that I would be numb if Al went home and I would cry tomorrow. My heart is breaking for him today. It is just awful. We haven’t talked about death today. He is not speaking, too weak


    • this is true, I am still thankful today though. For the fact that Al is here with me instead of the nursing home, even though I am so tired I just want to sleep


  2. You are doing amazing. You are so strong for Al, that when he isn’t looking it all catches up with you. Try to make the most of the time you have, God will decide – and I’m afraid He will have His way in the end. Take some comfort that this will be the right time for Al, if not for you.


    • I would love to, most of the day I just want someone to hold me so I can cry. It sounds so childish but I am exhausted, although he is a bit better, his breathing is still not normal, his tremors are out of this world and he is still sweating profusely


  3. Terry, when that day come you will … know what to do – and you can’t do more than you do just now … Al is tired – both his body and soul. I understand that you’re so tired on being alone in all this and that you need a shoulder – and arms to hold you. Wish I wasn’t so fare away.


  4. Time to rest, to stop fighting the inevitable and accept that no matter how hard it gets… you will get through this… “and I will walk through the valley of death but I will not be afraid because HE walks beside me”. hugs and prayers Terry.


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