Poor Al

I am only writing because the day has not been good so far. I have kept in touch with Hospice so much today.

Al has had terrible sweats, so bad I have had to do complete bed changes three times already. Hospice also upped his increase of water pills because his swelling has gone from the ankles to leaving pit marks half-way up to his knee. He wets so heavily now that I am keeping him only in his brief for today.

He didn’t want to get up for lunch but I encouraged him anyways. He refused lunch so I offered him an Ensure with ice-cream in it. He couldn’t drink it so I helped him so he could get it down.

He wanted to go back to bed. With all of the pain medications today he is finally sleeping. I hope when he wakes up he is feeling a bit better.man-with-sweaty-arm-pits


58 thoughts on “Poor Al

  1. I have to say..you are doing a remarkable job with Al…you indeed are filled with love…I know this sounds simple, please continue to live in love…I face a paralyzing degenerative disease and I have no other with me on this journey. Blessings


  2. Terry, I guess he sweats because his heart is working hard – but not so strong as it should be, my mom got swollen legs too – they just increased the water pills .. but the reality was that it was her heart that need support .. because it was not strong enough to transfer the lymph fluid around in her body. When the change her medicine – she got legs like a 20 year old.
    My thoughts are with you both.


    • thanks Vivi, the M.S.A. doesn’t allow his heart to know how to beat correctly. The body furnace doesn’t work either causing him to sweat. Anything the body does with the help of the brain telling it to, has quit working due to this nasty illness. I want a hug, it has been a rough 24 hours


      • Here comes a big HUG … and a hard one. I’m sure it has been terrible for you and for AL too. I was all mental during my moms last weekend at home, felt so helpless .. and I felt sick over her situation. Terrible to just be a bystander.


      • I think that is the hardest part, being the by stander. I can only imagine how you felt watching your Mum who you loved so much, compared to only a sister and brother. thank you for the hug


  3. Terry, I only clicked “like” to show support. I sure don’t “like” what is happening with Al and the pressure it puts on you. Hang in there. We are all with you in prayers.


    • I would wish that each person would get the love and attention they so deserve when they are ill. I hate the thought of anyone going through a terminal illness alone. thank u so much for the compliment


  4. Hi, I just wanted to say what an incredible loving person you are. I face a couple of chronic diseases but they are nothing compared to what you are going through. I will pray for strength for both you and the person who is facing this all alone. I am sending you all the cyber hugs you can stand and when I pray I will ask the Lord to hug you tight so you can feel him. I hope tomorrow is a better day God Bless.


    • thank you so much God’s Poet. I so believe in prayers. The person I care for is my brother. Please stop by and chat anytime. I hope that your illness’s don’t keep you from living life. God be with you and watch over you every moment. hugs


  5. Make sure he drinks enough fluids. Food is not that important now, but water is. Praying for you to maintain your strength. You make sure you get enough rest. I work only 12 hours a day with my patient, but am so exhausted that I sleep 10 hours. This too will pass! God is good and will see us through! Praying!


    • the water thing is something he has been turning a way lately. his feet and legs well so they have upped his doses of water pills. I somehow think he should replace what he is eliminating but the nurses don’t seem concerned as he gets water in other drinks. being a caregiver is not easy, but very rewarding, don’t you think?


  6. Hi Terry,

    What could one say of what you are going through? I can sense that this blog offers you a great window to the outside. I can only pray for Al and wish both of you all the best.



    • blogging is a very big healer for me. It helps get my thoughts together. I don’t know what I would do without it Shakti. I so appreciate the prayers, thank you


  7. Holding you in prayer, Sweet Terry. There are no words to describe how my heart feels for what you are going though…please just know that you are loved and cared for deeply. Skye


    • it is so nice to see your comment. Sometimes when I am deep in caring for Al, I wonder how I get through it. How do I see my brother’s tears, and pain and not fall apart. There is a part of me that is very emotional towards those who are hurting. There is also a part of me that somehow stays tough. For I know that if I don’t give my all, Al or other patients will surely suffer. thank you so much for your compassionate comment. Big hugs Skye


      • I wish I could be there to help you through this. I would in a heartbeat. ((Not even sure where you live)) I am here if you ever need to talk. Big hugs! Skye


      • thank you so much Skye. I have not been able to find a way to follow you as of yet. I am taken to your gravator but no information. I live in Indiana, and I thank you for being so considerate


  8. I am so sorry you and Al are going through so much. I feel at a loss on what I can do for you. You are both forever in my prayers. Hugs dear friend.


  9. Pingback: Daily Prompt; The Stat Connection | terry1954

    • Heart, I am just me. Nothing more or less. I do what I have to because I love my brother and I love God. Without the support of you and God I could do nothing. Thank you for a generous comment. hugs


      • My best to you and Al, Terry, my thoughts are with you and all who placed in the situation of being caretaker, you deserve your wings.


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