Just a Few Seconds Ago

Since Al isn’t here I went outside to see what is or isn’t happening. I feel the humidity. I hear the locust, and I saw this. I hurried in and got my camera. You see, I am a little nutty at times because I get so excited over the smallest of things.

Aug 27sky aug 27book4

37 thoughts on “Just a Few Seconds Ago

  1. Hey Terry, I just read your posts from the past week and let me just say I’m praying for you and am really sorry to hear it’s been such a tough stretch of days. I have to believe Al is in good care right now and they are taking care of him and making things better for him. I am sure that isn’t easy on your end, and you’ve written as much, but I hope you’re using this time to take care of yourself. You continue to amaze me with your love for your brother and dedication to caring for him. It’s a wonderful thing and again, prayers are going out both for you and Al. Hang in there, friend and I loved your post when you praised Jesus at the end, despite the hard times. That’s great faith right there and very inspiring 🙂 Hope you get some good rest tonight.


    • Hi Brian!!! I keep in touch with the Hospice House and the doctor calls me. Al is doing better with his tremors. Partly due to an added medication and the other part is because he is on bed rest. The doctor thinks Al’s body just can’t take the going out and things. I hope that he will be able to continue his Day Program for his own emotional status, but maybe we will have to cut it down to part time, I don’t know yet. God is good and I know this Hospice doctor wants Al’s best interest and Al to have peace during these times


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