_Picture it & Write/ Ermilia

http://ermiliablog.wordpress.compictureitandwrite2copy-1man scared

All his adult  life Joe had been living an alley life. Taking from others. Eating others remains. Not willing to spend out of his pocket, but interested in hoarding what was his.

He could not see himself as anyone but the richest man in the city.

The only way this creature could figure out how to get that is to steal and connive.

Everyone hated him. People gave soured looks when they heard his name. Innocent became damaged. Trust was taken out of his dictionary. All that remained was evil, theft, hatred, jealousy. This was his dictionary of life.

He had grown up poor. His Mamma took in ironing. His Pappa had worked the mines but had ended up paying a high price and died of lung cancer. His sister ran off with the first man who sugar-coated his words.

Now it was up to him to make a life for himself. He swore to himself he would be damned if he was going to live as his family. He wanted more and no matter how he had to do it, he would wear blinders.

He knew the good word. He went to Sunday School as a child. But no one could get him to accept the idea of worshiping a man who had never been seen. Who was so crazy that they would grasp at the imagination, cling to empty words? Well, not him. He would work hard, he would become rich. He would own the city when he was done.

One day as he had just taken another bag of money from an unknowing human  he was racing down the streets. He had his routine. He knew the favorite hide-out. It had worked each and every time.

But this time his game plan failed. The people he had stolen from knew his name. They offered him to dine with them before he left and went on his way. The food was delicious. He had seconds. He took the food. He took the goods.

He ran but he started cramping. Running became a slow pace. Power became weak. The once clear skies became black with birds. Vultures ready to pick the life from his bones. He tried to run faster but his body fell to the ground. The birds  feasted. The town returned to quiet. The man who had offered him food was sitting on his porch smiling.

Brother and Sister

It’s been a long day. A day shared with Al who is fighting pain and unusual sightings. I took him out yesterday. I took him to eat and to buy a car. We weren’t gone over two hours total.

After we got back home Al started complaining of leg pain. This has continued throughout the evening and most of today. I feel some guilt. Maybe we should not have gone, but then again, maybe he would have had this pain anyways.

Seeing his knee turning purple and then back to normal decided to have a partner. So it went to the knuckles and they have now been turning crimson and back to normal. The Hospice nurse says it is a lack of oxygen not getting to every part of his body.

The shower girl said today that he transferred just fine. I wonder critically how she would have noticed. She came here fifteen minutes late and undressed him showered him, dressed him and was gone in exactly seventeen minutes.

I take offense. Maybe because there have been other shower gals who have spent a few moments on the clock getting to know Al. Asking about tears, getting his mind of himself, but not this gal. In 17 minutes, I am not sure I could even pull it off with a complete job and be really clean.

But for Al today he has spent more time in bed than in his recliner. He slept more than not. He had an Ensure ice-cream shake instead of lunch. He needed assistance brushing his teeth both times today. He needed one over one help with eating his supper.

Should I continue to get him out when the weather is beautiful? Or should I pass it by knowing I could tire him out and perhaps be the culprit of his pains. I just want him to enjoy whatever he can in life.

I try my best

My little friend

To cause those smiles

To go on end.

I always have

Your best interest at heart

I squeeze activities in

Before you depart.

If I am the one causing

You more pain

Please give me a signal

And I won’t ask again.

Love you brother

You are my blood

I will miss you terribly

When God’s work is done.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd

08/11/2013Brother Sister Love

Daily Prompt; P.C.

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, Daily Prompt, DP

Is political correctness a useful concept, or does it stifle honest discussion? 

Photographers, artists, poets: show us USEFUL.

There is one thing I do not discuss with others usually and that is politics. But for this I will make a  huge sacrifice. The big news on the front pages of well-read newspapers is, I don’t do politics.newspaper

You know I am not going to come out and  point any fingers. Instead I will relate back to the days when I was young and learning the old talent of lying. My grandma always said, ” your nose will grow long if you lie.”

I believed that for years.liar I must admit I am amazed today that there aren’t some who have long noses in the government.

The first thing I believe in is God.new-day.jpeg The second thing I believe in is truth. Next getting along with each other.pat Then I believe we should help each other and watch our backs. Shake hands, smile and have an inner peace of understanding knowing we are talking and living the way God wishes us to do.lion

There is slander to get one’s way. There are evil methods used to win a vote.tongue_111

I believe that good is in the minds of anyone but the game of winning can take a way our innocence. leg

The Bible says that there will be times like this, so I am not in shock to the point of fainting.

I just wish that each and every person who wants to be stood apart, looked up to, and respected would start each day, each morning with the words, thank-you Lord for one more day. Thank-you for allowing me another chance to win another soul to God. Lead me and guide me and help me to do what is right in your eyes.

Do this in the spirit of an innocent child. Open our eyes wide and be ready to smile at everyone we meet, shake a hand no matter what color. Help a hurting soul. Do all in the naked truth. Do it with vigor as you once lived life as an untouched child.  Our lives today would be better. More enriched, more love flowing, honesty would flow freely.

I have gone on too long. I think you all get my point and where I am coming from. Let’s go back and start again. See who we saw when we were six and seven years old. Let freedom ring by the truth being told.girl-praying

Amazing Grace

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. Oh my God you picked me. A weak statue fumbling through thick forest here on earth. You chose to love me. Me Lord, for all that I am not.

As tears whip through the branches of my life, I can not even begin to thank-you my dear God for still walking beside me. You reach down and lift me up. You bring comfort to my weary soul.

You found me under a bushel of tangled webs. You saw my burning soul crying out to you Lord. I saw tears in your eyes as you heard me calling out to you. You know each and every one of my sins Lord, and yet you say you forgive me.

As I sit here professing my undying love for you a smile comes over your face. As I humbly lower my head, reaching out to kiss your feet, you let me know I am safe. You tell me the wolves will walk by me and leave me untouched, although they hunger.

Amazing grace my Lord. This is what I am offered as long as I continue to follow you. Miracles I shall see. Creatures I shall feed. Naked I shall clothe. What I have I will share. What ever it takes dear Lord, I will do it so that I may show honor to you God. You are the almighty one.

You gave up your life for me. You let them pound nails into your flesh. You bled for me. You are so great and I am so little and yet you provide me with love and amazing grace.
