Daily Prompt; Unplugged


Sometimes, we all need a break from these little glowing boxes. How do you know when it’s time to unplug? What do you do to make it happen?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us UNPLUGGED.SONY DSC

Unplugging from anything is not easy, usually. But then there is a moment, a slice of time, when I am sitting here at the computer and I look at the screen. Nothing, that’s what I get. I have the whole internet to look at, gaze through, reading, learning, and I get nothing.

It is then that I start the ball of wax rolling.wax I start thinking, which can be a dangerous thing for me. I ask myself questions. When is the last time you swept your room?

When is the last time you made a special dessert for Al?Desserts-lg When is the last time I enjoyed being outdoors other than running to see Al’s nurse, or maybe taking the trash to the dumpsters?

Then I feel bad and I can understand why my rear end feels so flat lately. I realize I need a break. I never run out of things to talk about with all my friends on here. I never get tired of reading your wonderful comments, but hey, let’s face it. Even best friends need a break from each other at times; even if it’s for a very short time.


So let me rise

Get off my rear

I need to get moving

Gotta get out of here

Step outside

Sniff the air

Watch the leaves

trees starting to change

trees starting to change

Falling every where

Enjoy today

For all it brings

Take in new air

And sing, sing, sing!

Aww, I feel better. I have a new outlook on life. I have new ideas. I saw that bug over there. I saw that leaf in color. The neighbor waved hello. The earth is moving and I was the one standing still. Now, I can go back and write about new things.

25 thoughts on “Daily Prompt; Unplugged

  1. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Bloggers, Unplugged | My Atheist Blog

  2. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Bloggers, unplugged. | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  3. Pingback: Time to unplug… | Life as a country bumpkin...not a city girl

  4. This attitude is sorely needed these days. I find myself in the same situation and must pull myself off my big lazy you know what and go and get busy. Nature really does it…and I wonder why don’t I get out more. Thanks Terry for the inspiration!


  5. I unplugged almost completely for the first six months of this year. I felt God was leading me to do things and know things that all my electronic devices were getting in the way of. It was cathartic for me. I learned a great deal about myself and more about the God I love. It was a frightening thing to do. The devil whispered, “People will forget you. All that talk about sharing God’s love and His message, you’ll lose every single contact.” But I trusted God and when I came back, I had a great number of visitors to the blog every day and within a month of my return, I had my highest visitor rating ever — so much so that WordPress sent me an email!

    The greatest thing I learned is that I do not NEED the internet, or Facebook, or WordPress, or Twitter. Those things are my tools. But I am fine without them. And should the need ever arise again, I won’t hesitate. God bless you, my dear sweet friend. Sandy


  6. Pingback: The Silver Leaf Journal

  7. Unplugging is a great thinga nd it really helps, I think I need that too. Been so busy lately and so tired…. I shall have a really early night tonight! .. and everything unplugged… 🙂


  8. Pingback: To be or not to be,wired! | Processing the life

  9. Pingback: Unplugged! | 3rdculturechildren

  10. Pingback: Surfer Rob’s Addiction to the Analog Blog | Rob's Surf Report

  11. Well I wrote a big ol comment and it washed away but…the gist of it was good for you for taking that perspective and I’ll bet those leaves looked great! So much to see in this cool place called Earth. Good reminder to remember to enjoy it.


    • We get so used to the daily routine, it becomes an easy habit. We just have to stop, refuel, refresh and realize what we have. So many free gifts in life, how could we always keep wanting more. Big hugs Brian!!!


  12. Pingback: My smart wife: Unplugged | My Kaleidoscope

  13. Pingback: Tbh, SMS should RIP. | The Hempstead Man

  14. Pingback: Tbh, SMS should RIP. | The Hempstead Man

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