One Blog Plus One Blog Equals A New Chance To Sketch    I was reading Al‘s blog. I just love what he does with his camera so I try never to miss a post. Tonight he was showing me a drawing he had done. He got the inspiration from another blog named,

So of course since Al liked it I knew I would too, so I hopped over to this brand new blog and looked at the fantastic art work. Now you all know I can’t draw with a crap, but the desire is deep within me, so I continue to make a fool out of myself by trying. I thought after I looked the fabulous art over I would give it a shot too. I knew I could not even  compare my work to theirs but you know what? I had a good time. While I was sketching I forgot about all that goes on around me. For ten minutes I was with me, all alone with my charcoal and pad.

So here is my version of what I saw and my little scribbles. You can see the fantastic work that was done on the second link I gave you, but please don’t compare theirs to mine. I don’t want you to laugh until you wet yourself.

art leaves

Pumpkin Pie Cake, Cool Whip and Rhino The Taste Tester

Pumpkin Pie Cake

Pumpkin pie cake.
1 box yellow cake mix
3/4 c butter
4 eggs
2 c pumpkin
1/2 c brown sugar
3/4 c white sugar
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
2/3 c milk
(I cut the sugars in half)
Mix cake mix minus 1 c (reserve and set aside for topping),1/2 c melted marg, and 1 beaten egg.Put in bottom of a 9×13 pan. Mix together pumpkin, 3 eggs, 1/2 c br sugar, 1/4 c wht sugar,2/3 c milk and 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon.Spread over cake. Mix together and sprinkle on top of pumpkin mixture… 1 c cake mix, 1/2 c wht sugar, 1/4 c marg (not melted). Bake at 350* 50-55 min (in my oven I had to bake it a bit longer.

Now I have never actually gone through the steps of my baking, but I thought what the heck, first time for everything.

Now if you follow the directions above and my photos below,  you will see this is a very easy recipe.

The results are in:

The cake is very moist. It doesn’t stay together in one  piece like most cakes. It crumbles and falls apart. It is not a sweet cake loaded with sugars although it takes sugars. It reminds me of a crumb cake. Al ate all of his. I ate all of mine.

For supper we had cut-up and fried sausage, boiled potatoes with butter, fresh cooked carrots and the cake. Now Al ate all of his supper. I ate all of mine. Rhino, our fat cat is a very fussy cat. He eats no table food but yet sits at my feet and begs like a dog.rhino 2

I added a dollop of cool whip to the cake to bring a bit of sweetness to it. I gave Rhino a bite of each food we ate and the only one he approved of and ate was the small taste of cool whip. Al and I smiled at this.

So I thought supper was alright. The cake was good and all is well at our dinner table. What was on your plate tonight?

Here is how I did it described by photos.

cakecake 2cake 3cake 4cake 5cake 6

Daily Prompt; Community Service, DP, Daily Post

Your entire community — however you define that; your hometown, your neighborhood, your family, your colleagues — is guaranteed to read your blog tomorrow. Write the post you’d like them all to see.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us COMMUNITY.

I have waited for the perfect time and it seems like it is finally here to write my sincere feelings about a topic very dear to my heart.

To The Community I Reside In

I have lived in this community for my entire life, minus a few years of making some decisions to live else where. I know so many of you here. Not only in my own neighborhood, but in Public Relations, and including the Political side.

Churches I have attended, two in my life.  Most,everyone would recognize me when I walked in the front doors. Don’t worry, you don’t have to worry about using your head to think back to whether you remember me or not. I will not be attending your services again.

You see from the time I was a little girl I learned Jesus loves me. I was taught that love was the foundation along with our wonderful God. Once inside the sacred doors you could put to rest all of your fears. You knew you were in the depth of people who cared.

As I grew up and ran into problems in my life and I began to care for Al, my brother; I was given a rude awakening. Churches aren’t like this at all. I can’t attack all churches, I can only speak of the ones I have attended.

I realized by experience that if I didn’t have the right last name, or enough money was going into the plate that was passed I didn’t count. If I didn’t get involved with enough programs I became quietly pushed aside.

When I asked, and eventually lowered my pride and begged for help in trying to reach out for volunteers or paid companions I was let down. My parents told me there were two groups of people you could count on in life. Number one was your parents and number two was your church.

Wrong, so wrong in my case. When Al fell at church not one of you offered to help me pick him up. In fact a few of you complained to me that his walker was in their way. This hurt and along with whispers and slowly emitting myself from the choir I have walked through the last doors of church.

For me it has been a blessing. I have been forced to go to God on my own, in my home. My brother and I listen daily to Dr. Charles Stanley on the computer radio. We talk together about what we got out of each sermon. Afterwards I play different church songs that Al and I recognize.

The time that we spend each morning brings Al and I  closer than ever to God. He is a constant topic in our home.

I also wish to let it be known that I agree that schools and functions are very important to a child. It helps shape them for adulthood, introducing them to team efforts, the art of winning and losing gracefully.

My point is other than politics and school sports have you realized the hundreds of people left here in our own community to fend for themselves? Where does a person go to when they are in need?

I have lived in a time here where I ended up on the streets with no shelter and no food. No matter where I went, the offices were open for only a short time, or there was no food  pantry. Here food pantries are found inside the churches and if you don’t attend the church, then good luck. The couple of places I did fine, there were more rules and documents to be filled out. The humiliation that I went through because I was hungry or homeless made me feel like I should just stay under my big rock and hide.

For the most part when people are searching for a bite of bread or a roof over their head; they are sincere. They gulp hard  and lower their pride and after having tried every other means they seek the streets for help.

The programs are set up so that even if you have nothing but one can of soup left in your cupboards, your income is too high. Not everyone is out wasting valuable dollars. There are reasons such as medications that are so costly. After emptying your pockets to fill them and getting any help you can, you don’t have enough for food. Electric and gas bills are out of this world in price to  heat or cool your home.

I would like to see people in this community come together and give. Yes give, give a sack full of groceries. Take a bag to your elderly neighbor. Offer one hour of your busy schedule to help someone who has less.

Why is it so hard to do this? I have to state once again I am not speaking about everyone. There are wonderful people who help every day. There are those who abuse the systems who choose  not to work. I am speaking of the sincere ones who desperately need the help.

Here in our community we are the Orthopedic Capital of the world. When downsizing occurs and our work is sent over seas so the company can stick more change in their pockets who pays the price?

The head of the household of course. The one who worked even when they didn’t feel well so they could give to their families, have a retirement and pension. Release the fear of growing old and poor.

Letting these long-term employees go is devastating. How can they start over when they are shy only a few years of retiring? Who is going to hire them now? These people need help and where are we and what are we doing about it?

What you see in activity at Christmas is what we should see all year-long. The spirit of Christmas comes in season only. This needs to be changed and changed now. When we give to the Adopt-A-Families, or help the Salvation Army, or bake extra goodies for our shut-ins, lets continue to make at least a small effort the rest of the year.

Thankfully for me I have my daughter who loves me very much. If it weren’t for her and her big heart Lord only knows where I would be today. It wouldn’t be inside my nice, warm home with a roof over Al and my head. The cupboards would not be filled with food. I may have done drastic things in order to survive. I will always be grateful to  her for her help in my life.

So in closing, let’s put maybe, lets say, a fourth of the effort we do in sports and politics and place that into helping others. Remember, it is not what you have that is making you stand out. I swear you can’t take your three cars and your fancy home, your name brand clothes and your  money to heaven. God won’t let material things in. But giving of yourself, your heart will make God happy and you a better person. Come on community, let’s hold tight and make our city proud.helping-hands2