Please Pray For A Quiet Release

Last night was rough for Al and for me. Hospice came and with a Tylenol suppository the fever was brought down. After getting Al as comfortable as possible she took me in the living room so we could talk.

The gist of the conversation was his heart is shutting down. There is nothing that can be done anymore. For the most part my hope is now gone. I pray for a quiet and peaceful release.

This morning Al has a fever again. The reason for the constant fevers is his body is shutting down. There is nothing that can be done for the swelling. He is complaining of not being able to breathe, so I am getting off of here.

I had many nightmares of death during the night. I had real tears. I am so tired but I must go on for Al. The caregiver just arrived. I will talk to you all soon. Please pray for a quiet release. Al has been a fighter all along but now he just needs to relax and go home.


85 thoughts on “Please Pray For A Quiet Release

    • My wonderful Terry,please take strength from the knowledge that you have done everything possible for your dear brotherAl .I hope Al gets his release soon then he will be free of all his pain and suffering that this spitefull vicious disease has put you both through.You have been such a wonderful sister and carer, no man or woman could do more.You know that when i say i know a bit about what Al and yourself are going through i am telling the truth. The dignity and compassion you have shown all the way on your journey with Al has been nothing short of wonderful.Keep your head up Terry,be proud of yourself and be proud of your lovely brother Al.He will be the proudest angel in heaven telling them all about you. Please if you would give Al a kiss from me and Marilyn.Our hearts are with you both.I feel as if i have known you both all my life .I am so sad for you and yet happy that Al will suffer no more.Iwill i promise do my best to meet Al and have a chat with him.We will look down on you two beautiful ladies with immence pride and love and watch over you as your guardian angels.Wherever you go Al will be with you always.He will live forever in your heart.I feel so priveliged to have been able to talk to you in this are truly like my beautiful wife Marilyn an angel on earth.I know in my heart that Al is going to a wonderful place and i know your heart is breaking,be strong sweet Terry be proud. May your God comfort and keep you always. Michael.


      • Michael, every time I read a comment from you I think how lucky your wife is to have you. You are an amazing human with a heart of gold and so much love for others, so many should learn from you. Tonight, once again, Al asked me to pray for him to go home and I did. Tell your wife hello from me. In fact, give her a big hug from me. I am so glad we have met here on blogging world. Hugs


  1. You and Al are on my mind everyday. I will keep praying for a peaceful trip home. May the Lord continue to watch over you and be by your side when this happens and carry you through as you will need his comfort. ❤ you Terry and Al


      • I don’t know if there’s a shop were you can buy crystals in your environment, Terry. We have New Age shops in Holland or stone houses, were we can buy all kinds of Chrystals. Amazon has them too. I would love to send you one, but after the last experience with the Christmas card, that never arrived, and the time that it takes to get there, it’s impossible 😦


  2. Terry, both of you have given it all you have and although the fight has been long; you will hope for one more day. May the Lord shine his light upon you both and the Angels lift both of you to the next chapter in your life and Al’s soul to a restful peace among loved ones whom have traveled this path before, hugs, hugs, hugs. Ann


  3. When God sends His Angels to accompany our loved ones on their last journey, they do so in a peaceful way. I have personally witnessed this with some of my loved ones. I have also had dreams, with respect to death. Perhaps God is also preparing me for Al’s home coming. Of this I am certain, that God will welcome Al with open arms. My gift to you is this..You will continue to be in my prayers, I will be here for you, in the days, months, and years to come. You will have your memories, and will remember the joy that your brother brought you in happier times. Those will never die. I’ll close with this scripture, found in Joshua 1:9 “REMEMBER, that I have commanded you to be STRONG, and BRAVE. Don’t be afraid, because the LORD YOUR GOD, will be with you everywhere you go.Blessings, My friend. You are loved by many.


  4. “Swing low sweet chariot, coming forth to carry Al home,
    We looked over Jordan and what did we see, coming forth to carry Al home.
    A band of angels, coming after Al. Coming forth to carry him home…”
    May the band of angels swoop down and take him soon. Relieve his pain and discomfort and bring you peace knowing that you did all you could to ease his journey.


  5. “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

    I pray that this words from Psalm 73:25-26 may become true for both of you, for Al so his failing heart may be changed in peace to a healthy heart in heaven, and to you when this leg of the journey is over and you will need to rest and recuperate and trust The Lord to give you renewed strength. Love and comfort, Solveig


  6. Praying for his tired body to release his soul to Jesus. Praying for you for Jesus to bring you comfort. My mother went through the gates in 2005, she too had MSA.


  7. I don’t know what to say. I know what I want to say, but I don’t know how to say it. I know it will be hard for you.

    Okay, you can delete this comment if you wish.

    Maybe .. actually, I’ll email you.


  8. Praying for Al’s homecoming to be one of peace and eventual joy for him. There, with his new body, he will rest in the arms of our Savior. I will be praying for peace for you. You have done so much for Al. Truly, you are a hero in my eyes. I have learned so much about compassion and a true merciful heart through your love for Al. Thank you, Terry.


  9. Oh most gracious and heavenly Father, please send your angels down to take Al to his home in heaven, a place where there will be no more pain, suffering, nor MSA, but pure joy, complete love and great beauty. And, let his faithful sister, Terry, feel the strength of your comforting arms. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


  10. We don’t know each other. My mother passed away in a similar way (msa) ten years ago this summer. I don’t often pray, but today I pray the Lord to give both of you peace. You are loved.


  11. May you feel the presence of God during this difficult time. At my husband’s funeral, our pastor offered these comforting words: “God saw that Denny had suffered enough and said let’s get you out of this mess…come home!” I know that Denny was welcomed into God’s open, loving arms, as Al will be also. Hugs to you, Terry!!


  12. May the Lord bless you with patience, peace and strength during these difficult times. May the Lord bless Al with comfort. peace and calmness as he continues down this long, long road. May he be close to his destiny.
    My prayers continue.


  13. Terry, I hadn’t been on the MSA site in a while and suddenly a few minutes ago I thought of you and Al and sought out your latest post. I’m so glad that I did. If this is the end of Al’s earthly journey, I hope that you will find what you need to get through it. He will be fine. He will be really fine. I truly believe that. I think you do, too. Even though you want his suffering to end, it will be hard to let go. I just prayed for Al and for you, very different prayers for each of you. May God bless you both during this difficult time.


  14. Terry, I am so sorry to hear this about Al but I will join you in praying for a peaceful, quiet release and I will be praying for strength, comfort, and peace for you as well. You have done an amazing job of caring for your brother. You have loved him through very difficult circumstances and situations. I am positive Al knows just how much you love him. May God carry you through this next hurdle that you must climb. You will make it, difficult as it may be. Take care of yourself as well!! God bless!


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