How To Purchase My Books Dahlia and Al his life and MSA

I just wanted to update you, my friends. My new book titled, Al his life and MSA is available now through Create Space and Amazon. In a few weeks it will be available in the UK also.

If you would like to purchase it through me directly and have it signed by me, I won’t be ordering any until I get moved so the books will come to my correct home address. If you buy either of my books, the one I mentioned here or Dahlia through me you will be purchasing it through PayPal.

The new book has a trickle effect. It starts here in US and trickles to outer countries. I hope this helps calm any confusion on why you can not order it from me right away.

Thanks my friends. You can order Dahlia through me immediately as I have some copies with me now. Dahlia is about a young lady who wants to be a dancer. Like so many of us she runs into snags and has to decide whether to give up or keep going in order to make her dream come true.


For Al his life and MSA, here is the link to purchase it


For the book Dahlia, here is the link to purchase it.


For Dahlia through Amazon, here is the link.


For Al his life and MSA through Amazon, here is the link.



Dahlia front cover

book 2

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