New Pair of Feet and Arms

I have never been so glad to get home in months. I worked tonight and although I have great compassion for those who are suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer’s ; I could think of better things to be doing.

Part of the issue was my feet. This client wanted to walk up and down the sidewalk, go down the hill and back up, over and over, and my feet were burning in no time. I only spent six hours there but it seemed like 16.

Because of me being new in her life, the trust on her side was zero for me. One of the many rules is to  hang on to her where ever she goes. Well, she didn’t like that and she showed me with her words, her hitting and slapping me. I feel like I have been beat up.

I am trying hard to think maybe it is still too soon from losing Al,  that maybe this work just isn’t for me, but I don’t think so. I think I just don’t like being slapped around like a dead piece of meat. I pray and still ask for your prayers that God leads me into a new door. If he wants me to remain at this house week after week, I am going to have to order a new pair of feet and new arms. With my own balance issues you can probably picture the two of us unsteady beings trying to walk up and down hills. Oh how I am so glad I am home.


15 thoughts on “New Pair of Feet and Arms

  1. is it possible with all your health issues you could retire? i hate that you seem to be unable to find something that makes you happy. not that i loved every job i had but for the most part i have found great satisfaction with the work i have done. someone has to work with people under these circumstances i just know it would not be the right job for me and may not be for you.

    i am just going to send you love and hugs with hope that something more appropriate comes along for you soon.


    • I don’t think I can retire. I could have except I spent money I had taking care of my brother. I am only allowed 20 hours per week of work. I need a sit down type of job so bad. It would save my feet longer and my weakness. This is my prayer, that God sees I am trying and hopefully shows me what to do. Big hugs my friend


  2. My prayer is the same as Sheri….I have feet and ankle pain even if I am on my feet for 15 minutes so my heart aches for you. I don’t mean to be nosy but have you ever applied for disability? If you are unable to retire that may be a route to take. It is your money and put there for a time like this.


    • I am on disability now, but I was a stay at home mommy for so many years, I make very little on my disability. This is why I have to work p/t. I hate the pain in my feet. They hurt when on them about the same time frame as you


      • Bless your heart, at least then you are able to work part time. Have you tried to see if someplace like the hospital is hiring? They have some sit down jobs, front desk, receptionist in the labs etc….Prayers that something better opens up for you. I am in the same boat as you, stay at home momma and then part time jobs while kids were in school and now part time job. Not much waiting for me either – if any.


      • I have applied for a p/t job at the hospital for a receptionist, but have heard nothing yet. That would be an ideal place to work


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