I Feel Like I am Going to Hollywood

Well, I have a need to celebrate, but no one to celebrate with. Will you join me in celebration of being a part of the working force again? I went to the meeting this morning.

I took the time to curl my hair and apply make-up. Gee, I hope they don’t expect that of me every day. lol. Anyways, the meeting only lasted about 20 minutes. I met with the head manager of five districts along with two of her partners.

I got asked various questions such as, what am I good at? What kind of furthering education would I like? Could I use any updating of computer skills? The questions went on and on and then it was over. I could breathe.

We all shook hands and I told them thank-you for taking the time to see me. They said they would let me know their decision. Well all I could do was wait. I was not going to get on my knees and beg. I knew God was in control of my future.

I hate waiting, it is one of my weak spots in my life, although I am better than I  used to be. I was up at the front door with my hand on the door knob and I heard my name called. I turned around and the lady I had been working with came to me and grabbed my hand and started shaking it. ” You did a fantastic job! They really liked you. You are in and if everything goes on schedule, you will start Monday”.

Wow, I was blessed beyond. Not only am I going to get a technical school education. I will be the one getting paid for going. When I am complete with the training I will become certified.

Oh, what am I training in, you ask? I will be the receptionist assistant, along with training on Microsoft from the bottom up. When I am finished, I will be knowledgeable enough to be certified and make much more money.

So come on over. Help me celebrate. Pull up a chair and grab a glass of wine. Cheers my friends!







18 thoughts on “I Feel Like I am Going to Hollywood

  1. This is great news! You’ve mentioned off and on here how much you missed being able to be helping others outside of your home, and being able to support yourself. With this job you’ll be able to do both, and it’s a wonderful thing. Congratulations, Terry! Once again God has shown He knows just when to give the answer we’ve been waiting for. Do take care, and best of wishes for your first day on Monday.❤❤❤


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