Good  News

I  try so hard to  not let you  know  how  I feel health  wise . Who likes  to  hear negative  chat?

Today  is  different. I  have various  issues  and one major  one was my high level  of  Potassium .  It wasn’t  due  to  my over eating  of this  mineral ,  I  am  very cautious  about  what  goes in my mouth   

You have to get in the habit of  watching  what  you  eat when the  doctor  says “Don’t  eat salt, sugar high cholesterol  foods and fats”. You may ask, what’s  left ? I  often ask myself  that  also  and wonder  why I  am  still chubby.

Part of  the  chubbiness, is the inability  to  walk  well and exercise. Some is due  to  my age and metabolism. The  other part could  be  due  to  the  fact;sometimes I  cheat. Hey, I  like the  good  stuff  too.

Well anyways ,  with  the help  of  my  doctor  and  medication ,  my  Potassium  level is now 4.1. An excellent  level . I  won’t  have  to  be  admitted  to  the  hospital  now . Just  had  to  share  with  you  and thank God  for this help  of healing  for  me.

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