Neurological Diseases

If only we had a brain! Remember that from the Wizard of Oz? Well, who knew the brain could be such a problem. It certainly is when you are faced with Neurological Diseases. Doctors can’t fix what they can’t investigate.


You need to have expired here on earth in order to study the brain. This was the case for my brother and so many others dealing with this issue. I went to be fitted today at an Orthopedic specialist for my new shoe and brace. The hope was, that the curling of my toes may stop curling any further.


After so many tries of various gadgets the sad news came that my brother used to hear. We just can’t help you. Perhaps a neurological therapist.


I have not heard of this but I am willing to look one up and try if it is not too far a way. The doctor said today that there is a possibility of my toes curling so far under that I would walk on the underneath of my toes. Ouch! Just thinking and visualizing this made me cringe.


The good news is I am no worse off for the moment and yet no better. The hope that those with this illness carry for a cure or some gadget to make life a little easier to manage is our dream.


I am not crushed. I pushed and studied and joined groups to learn about Multiple System Atrophy and I will fight just as hard for myself as I did for him and for others.


My son is going to come over tomorrow and try to tighten up the scooter I have. It is wobbly in the steering and the seat seems loose. Of course it isn’t new. It is the one I bought my brother. If it doesn’t help, I may have to see if I can get a more sturdy one.


This doesn’t mean I will give up walking, oh no way! I do have bad days when standing is very difficult, and on those days, I would ride the scooter. I wonder if there are any programs that help to purchase or donate one? I don’t know. I know Medicare helps but there is a 20 percent part I would have to pay and I remember from my brother, that is pretty expensive just on that part.


Guess it is time to start praying for some more help. Things will work out. I know they will. I know my condition won’t get better and I accept this. God won’t give me anything I can’t handle and he will give me the strength to get through what he gives me.

barn 2

2 thoughts on “Neurological Diseases

  1. are you looking for a neurologist  dr megeehan i think thats how you spell his name is over behind where dr elsahardys old office is i can pm you and give you address and phone sorry you are haveing problems . will be praying for you as i always have. hope your son will be able to get your scooter fixed. if your son was in the service sometimes the legion moose eagles might help or combined community service kos. foundationthere are other services too try calling 211 see if they can give you some ideas.  if i come up with anything else I’ll let you knoware you still looking for a place to move .God bless

    Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

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