Continuing Story Part 24

മലയാളം: ഡാലിയ പൂവിന്റെ ചിത്രം.

When Dahlia heard the knock on the door, she asked who it was, and the deep voice answered. She went to the door and opened it and let Drake in. He shut the door behind him and turning towards her, he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately and firmly on the lips. She responded back, not even thinking twice, letting his hands run through her hair, down her back and around her waist.

She could feel herself shiver inside, muscles twitching, as his love poured through his fingers. Before anything could be taken further with the mind, he let go of her and walked her towards her bed. He sat her down, and took her hand and wrapped it around the flower. She instantly inhaled its perfume, and then he took that away from her and replaced it with the small box.

Dahlia asked him what this was, and he said to open it. She did as she was told, and her fingers grasped the bracelet. Fingers encircling the delicate band, he asked her if she liked it, and she exclaimed that she loved it, that he had given it to her and she would always cherish it. With these words, he asked her if he could have the honor of placing it on her wrist, and she held her arm up for him to put in on.

Taking the rose back she leaned in close to him, thanking him and telling him that she was so in love with him. He laid her on the bed, and laying beside her he kissed her once again, with tenderness and passion. Her body rose to him, but he would not let himself do anything that would bring disrespect to her. He treasured her and he would not shame her. The right time would come and then he would show her how he felt about her, and profess his love to every part of her being.

He had a hard time controlling himself, and so he sat her back up, and taking both of her hands in his, he asked her if she was certain that she loved him, and she said oh yes, Drake, I love you more than life itself.

He then stood up from the bed and kneeling in between her legs, he pulled her head close to his and whispering in her ear, he asked her if she would consider being his wife. A gasp came from deep in her throat, as she threw her arms around his neck, and said yes. Drake could see the tears forming in her eyes, and this in turn, caused him to want to burst with love. He stood back up and once again laid her down, and found himself lying next to her body.

He touched her hair, then moved gently down her cheeks  touching her nose, and running his fingers over her closed lids. Excitement was building from within him and he could see her rib cage expanding faster with her own hidden desires. His hand found its way down to the curves of her breast, and he cupped his hand around one, holding it like it was gold. Her own hands reached around his neck and drew him closer. Their breathing became one, as he found his hand raising her dress and sliding into areas of deep pools of love.

She guided his hand to places that had never been discovered before, and he touched the virgin spot. Her body rose and lowered to his touch, and she could feel warmth flowing from her veins. His hands began to tremble as his heart was beginning to take over. He looked into her face and saw that she was in sync with him, but he knew this was wrong.

He slowly took his hand away from her pool, and lowered her dress, and sat up. He pulled her gently up and told her he wanted her so badly, but he could not spoil her innocence with his desires. He made her promise that when school was out, that she would marry him the day after graduation, and she agreed. Both sitting on the bed, they held each other and whispered love into each others ears, and then he sat up, and looked into her eyes, and said he  must go now before he could never turn back, and he walked out of her bedroom door, leaving her sitting on the bed, touching the bracelet, and her heart trying to slow down. She was in love and she wanted to scream it to the world. All she could do was smile and dream of her wedding day.

Sunday she floated through the activities of church and meals and chores. She tried to study but found it hard, as her mind drifted back to Drake. Six month to go, six months until she became Drake’s wife. Soon the day was over, and school began again the next morning, and she drifted off to sleep with visions of Drake.

In the kitchen while everyone else was asleep or in their rooms, Rachel and Ralph were sitting at the kitchen table with Drew. The discussion was about his illness and what had happened. Was he willing to go back to the doctor to see if something had happened to make this bad part of him come to life once again.

Although, Drew seemed cocky earlier in the day, the truth was, that he had plenty of time to think about what he had done to Dahlia, and he was ashamed. He loved his brother and he would never want to hurt him, and he himself didn’t know why he had even went to her. What had caused this? He hung his head down to the table and asked his parents for help. Please help me, I don’t want to be like this, I feel so sick inside. Ralph and Rachel took their sons hands and promised to call the doctor in the morning, and they said that together they would find the answers, but he, Drew, must stay away from Dahlia or any other lady, and if he felt something coming over him, he should come immediately to them.

The next day came, and as soon as everyone was at school, Rachel made the call to the doctor’s office. The doctor seemed a little surprised, since so many years had gone by, and had the receptionist set them an appointment right away. With this confirmation, Rachel felt that at least now they were going to get help. They would get this fixed with the doctor’s help.

Meanwhile, at school, Dahlia was working very hard on the dance floor. She was making great progress, and the teacher expressed this to her, telling her that she believed Dahlia was the top student in her class. The teacher went on to say that hard work makes perfect, and she could see that Dahlia had indeed been working hard. The teacher asked her if she thought she may be able to help her tutor another student. That she had received a call of a special needs student, that needed extra help. The teacher said for her to give it plenty of thought, that it would almost seem like a real job with the work that was put into it. Dahlia asked the teacher if she thought she was really good enough to help someone else,and the reply was yes. Dahlia promised to give it some thought.

9 thoughts on “Continuing Story Part 24

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