Daily Prompt; This is Your Life/ The Daily Post

Lord lovelace bridge


If you could read a book containing all that has happened and will ever happen in your life, would you? If you choose to read it, you must read it cover to cover

I would choose not to read a book about my entire life. Why do this? Ruin the ending? Do I want to know when I am going to leave this good earth? Do I want to still make choices and errors in my life?

The errors no, but how do we learn if do not make mistakes. I don’t want to know if I am going to get cancer, or get hit on the highways. This gives me the shivers just thinking about it.

I am the one who will not get those special expensive tests to see what I may die of. First of all they are not accurate. They do not report that you will die from this or that. I think I would drive myself crazy knowing my ending ahead of time.

Our purpose here in earth in my view, is to live a life pleasing to God. To let others know about God. If I knew I was dying, would I become obsessed with myself instead of bringing others to the Lord?

Would I say forget everything. Let me live and let me die. Give me all of those cookies I fight so hard to not eat. May I have that piece of cake with all those sugary flowers on top?

I believe for me, I would lose respect for myself and my fellow-man. I may give up my hope for life, and I may quit trying so hard to continue to live a good life. By good life I don’t mean riches. I mean by your inner heart and soul.

How would you change if you knew you were dying within one year. Would you go to those enemies and spill your guts and say all of your I’m sorry’s?  Have you made your peace with your maker? If you died tomorrow, let’s say, are you satisfied with where you think you are going?

No, my answer is definitely a no. I don’t want to know anything ahead of time. And by the way, if you read my book start to finish, don’t tell me about it.

22 thoughts on “Daily Prompt; This is Your Life/ The Daily Post

  1. Terry, I won’t tell you what happens in your story, but I’ll remind you to enjoy the Presents of Presence everyday! 🙂 I felt like I wanted to read mine b/c I’ve already looked death in the face and would want to know how much longer I have. I love your answer though! Thanks for the pingback! Glad I found your blog!


  2. I don’t think anyone what to know what is around the corner … and when the last day is coming up.
    Met a wonderful woman during my treatment – she was from Poland … spoke very good Swedish and she was a truly elegant and beautiful woman. One day she told me that the doctor had given her max 8 months left to live, she didn’t response on the treatments.
    And she was so calm and collected … she wasn’t worried and she wasn’t upset. She had come to turns with her faith – the only thing is was sad over was that her daughter had disappeared during a holiday in Italy – at home she had husband and a daughter. She had gone to media and the media had told her that her daughter is okay and they will meet again 2011 and she wouldn’t be around for 2011. So some of us – will know .. even if not exact day.


    • I thought of that, well I thought of you when I wrote it and wondered how you would react to this post. I still don’t want to know when I am going to die, but I know there are plenty that have a good idea. If I was in that position, i would live my life more for me and to the very fullest I could. i would do things that I wanted to always do. Taste foods I never tried. I definitely would have somewhat different outlook on life. That lady was a dear brave lady. i am so proud of her


      • Terry, think so long as we make sure that we have good days – because to live life to its fullest cost money too *smile
        I learned through my cancer journey that when I wake up I have 2 choices – to have a good or a bad day. If I chose a good day already then … even the problems that may come will be so much easier to handle. That was why I could be so positive when I was with other patients


      • the way you think Viveka, is the way each of us should think. be positive, expect good things, but for me, the negative sometimes out weighs the positive where Al is concerned, but i try real hard. that is why i joined the exercise groups. to see people laugh and smile


  3. To know your ending would lead to either of two things. 1) you wouldn’t waste one single moment and enjoy what life you had left or 2) spend the rest of your life wollowing in despair knowing your time will be ending. I’d prefer not to know and take each day for what it is. Good and bad.
    Truly lovely post, and thanks for the pingback even though mine wasn’t really relevant. 🙂


    • I am not sure exactly how I would react, I probably would try to make peace with anyone I have been struggling with and do everything i could to live out my days. you are welcome for the ping back


  4. Pingback: This is MY Life | The Cranky Giraffe

  5. This prompt has had some pretty thought provoking articles, I think it is interesting that everyone wrote they would not want to read their past and future lives. I never gave it any thought, still not sure. A part of me would like to see the future and the other part of me is scared to… Good article.


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