May I Have Your Opinion Please?

Public speaking

When I was asked by the teacher of my water class to read something on book review day I became quite nervous. I thought and thought and went through so many of my postings. I decided in the end on one special piece I had written for Al. I chose this;

Dedicated To My Brother

I need to know what your thoughts are on this? Do you think it will be appropriate? I talk so much about him in class. Maybe they already sense my feelings about my brother. Please let me know what you think. It would make me feel better.

27 thoughts on “May I Have Your Opinion Please?

  1. Terry, it is a great choice, but you might see a few tears!! Good luck and hugs. Remember that I will be the invisible friend in the corner cheering you on!


  2. I agree, this is a great choice. It is very lovely and heartfelt. And I will be there also…knowing you will do a terrific job. Blessings Patty


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