I Think He Is Tired

Al was pretty quiet last night; but the night went without incident. Al had his bedtime snack. I believe that this consisted of a Pop Tart, in Cherry, and his diet coke. He took his bedtime medications. I changed his brief and helped him in bed.

Once again Rhino mewed loudly, letting Al and I know that he had been laying in Al’s bed first and he wasn’t a bit happy being disturbed. Oh well, life moves on  Rhino. Adjust, and be happy you are on the inside in air-conditioning and not outside at night.

Obviously, Rhino didn’t agree and didn’t get off the bed. He made Al and I work around him. Can you believe this? A cat who thinks he owns the joint?

Well both were in bed and Al covered up. I told him good night and that I loved him and he said his usual yeah. One time I would like to hear him say love you too, instead of yeah, but at least he speaks.

I went to bed immediately. I could hear his TV in the baby monitor. An hour later I still heard the TV. I finally drifted off to sleep. Lately I have been having these wicked dreams. They are each about the same topic. Someone is trying to take Al from me. Sometimes they are made of monsters.monsters Other times I can see real people who I know, but they are not nice people.Strangers-movie-15

I have a feeling that the reason for these dreams is the fact that I know Al will one day be leaving this earth.

This morning when I woke up I was tired. When I got Al up he didn’t want to get up. I have a sneaky feeling he stayed up pretty late watching Counting Cars on TV. http://www.history.com/shows/counting-cars

I asked him what time he went to sleep since he was useless in the Helping Department. He said about 1am.

I explained to him that I want him to be able to make his own decisions when he can, but we can only stay up late on Friday and Saturday nights. The other nights we should try to go to bed earlier.

It is sort of a no-win situation for him. He tires easily from M.S.A. so when he gets home from the Day Program he is exhausted. As soon as supper is over he pleads to go to bed. I have placed a limit on the evening nap time through the week nights especially. A lot of times even after a nap, he will continue to doze off and on in his lift-chair.

Al was not able to help move his feet, brush his teeth. His head was at all-time low. I told him I could really use his help and hoped he would consider my offer to sleep a little earlier and watch TV less in the late hours. He didn’t say anything.

I did notice that he was sweating very bad. I knew that inside his body his illness was taking advantage of him being tired. I noticed that he had some slight issues with breathing. Not gasping, but a heavy breathing.

I managed to get him to eat and I washed him up. Put clean briefs on him and clean shirt and shorts, shoes and socks. I filled his lunch bag. I got his show-n-tell item ready. Brushed his teeth and hair, and by  now I was the one doing the heavy sweating.

We made it though. Outside and ready for the bus. Here are some pictures I took of Al’s daily trip of his bus ride.

kabs busAl on kabsAl on kabs 2

17 thoughts on “I Think He Is Tired

  1. Terry, I’m wondering, is there no device that he can use to give his neck some support? It looks like it might be awfully tiring to have his head hanging that low constantly. || I hope you and Al both have a good day today! Oh, and young master Rhino. <3<3<3


  2. Seeing the pictures on the computer, I noticed his legs are swollen, is that a part of the condition or the medications? Poor thing. I do agree with you, those dreams would lean toward you trying to come to term with that fact that he will one day leave this earth.


  3. Pingback: My Lucky Nap | terry1954

  4. Pingback: We Have to Stop Meeting So Late Like This | terry1954

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