Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis


DP Challenge

Your challenge is to take something intensely personal — the bits and pieces that make you YOU — and use them as a springboard for a post that makes a larger point and resonates with lots of other readers.

mirror blocksWhat do I see when I look in the mirror? What do you see when you look at me? Two good questions with entirely different views; I am sure.

When you see my face, maybe you see a round, chubby face. Not very many wrinkles. Maybe a pudgy nose surrounded by short hair. A nice sister, a caregiver.

Pools of memories

Deep as the sea

You see in my past

And where I am meant to be.


When I look in the mirror I am disgusted. I see a fat, round face. Plain with usually no make-up. I see would haves and should haves. I end up comparing myself to some dorky model on the cover of a magazine or TV.

This causes  a snow ball effect forcing me to shatter the glass and walk a way.broken window

When I look at me

I wish for more

I wish for magic

To change my core.


It is crazy, the things I do. The thoughts I have. I don’t take the time to make that check list of what I see very often. Usually when I do, I go on a spending spree and try to make myself feel better.

Knowing why I feel this way about myself is opposite of knowing how to fix it. When you friends make comments on my blog, most of the time I am shocked, pleasingly shocked. I just don’t see it.

When I read the Freshly Pressed I know that I am not a deep thinker. I don’t pull things out of my hat to write about or make a statement. My life is my statement. If I just write about my deep feelings about what I do in my life, it makes me feel more content.

Being honest on  paper is much easier than looking back at my reflection in any mirror.mirror No one is looking at me and it is so easy to write my thoughts. Sometimes I want to kick myself in the rear for being a foolish old woman for thinking such negative thoughts. There is no sense in it. But old habits and old words still haunt me today.

What I am doing is taking a segment from your comments and saying them to myself; changing my thoughts. I am improving, and for this I am glad. So on that report card, I will give me a big check mark on the box marked; Improving.

17 thoughts on “Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis

    • thank you so much Cobbies. i don’t think any of us are 100% happy with who we are, but I could be wrong. I grew up always having to prove myself. It is difficult to get rid of this, but I am working on it. Thanks for the wonderful comment!!!


  1. Change your core? Never, never, never. I love your core. It’s why I daily look forward to reading your posts, even when I don’t have time to comment at the moment. When I don’t see a post or two, I begin to worry. You are in my prayers, not because I think you are weak, but because I praise God for your strength, your love, and devotion. You are funny and I love your point of view! You try new things — things that I have not tried…like the daily prompts from the different writing blogs you contribute to. Dear Lord, Terry Shepherd — you are wonderful! (You need to get your Bible out right now and read Psalm 139 from beginning to end. Then the punishment for wanting to “change your core” is to say to yourself – a thousand times a day if necessary — “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”)

    Got it? 🙂 Sandy


    • I read this three times before I sort of got it. I grew up having to try to prove myself constantly. Never being quite good enough. Now I am trying to heal myself from this past life and all of you help. I will read Psalm 139 and say a prayer first so that I understand it. Thank you so much for talking to me. I know you are sincere at heart and I need to totally see me for who I am today, not the little girl I was. God bless and big hugs to you!!!!


  2. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  3. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: DNA Analysis | 3rdculturechildren

  4. Know the feeling but I guess most of us feels that way most of the times. You are a beautiful soul hon and a very talented writer and poet and I like what I see. 😀 *big hugs*


  5. Pingback: Bipolar Disorder | A mom's blog

  6. Because of circumstances at one time I lost all my confidence and good spirit, then I read some books, Louisa L Hay was one author, now I say to myself each day’ I love myself and I approve of myself’ it sure helped me through a low time. I like what I have read of your posts so far


  7. Pingback: For the Love of Literature | Ramisa the Authoress

  8. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge – DNA Analysis | Joe's Musings

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