Stress Mode

This is such a personal topic. It is opening myself up to letting others know of things I don’t share much about. The reason I don’t share, is because I have never actually tried to face it. I think about it; but it is too over whelming, so I tuck it back in the back of my mind and continue with my day.

The facts are, that what we hide within, eats us up. When we don’t face the problems in our lives; whether small or big, it changes us. It changes us because we learn  how to build and live with stress.

We all know that we can not change anyone. We can’t change spouses,  companions, bosses, kids, parents. Get it? We can’t do it; but we can change us and how we react to situations.

We all know that stress is a crippling disease and that this can usually only be healed by facing it or getting outside help. Stress allows blood pressure to rise, changes our eating habits, forces us to look at life differently, without sometimes realizing it.

I can sit and rattle off all the reasons why I am like I am today; but actually who cares? It begins to replay itself out like an old record playing on a record player. Same old story, nothing new added, no fixes, just stuck.

When we allow too many things to remain in the stuck mode, this in turns builds into large snowballs, with all these little issues spinning around our head, until we get to the place we are consumed by pressures, depression, doctor visits, and too much negativity.

We talk to friends, maybe ourselves, about anyone who will listen. We hear the advice, we feel better for a while,  but unless we change something about our thinking or for our best well being, it is always going to be a lost cause.

Therefore, I have decided, for my health and well being in my own life, that today, January 29th, 2016, I am dealing with my issues. I am going to crawl out from the box, let the light shine in, and fight my way back to where I always belonged. I refuse to sponge remarks, attitudes, weather,looks, likes or dislikes; anything that may hamper my growth in knowing who I truly am; to get in my way.

I have partnered with another person to make this happen. I refuse to go further in my life, stuck in stress mode. Anyone understand what I am talking about? I hope so, because this still is difficult for me, but I will move through, past and on.



9 thoughts on “Stress Mode

  1. As a gratefully recovering co dependent, I have dealt with something very much like you describe. Keep conferring with a healthier person who has fought your battles, and you will certainly triumph over this trouble over your serenity. You GO girl!

    Liked by 1 person

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