Borrowed Time

Less free time

Schedules changed

Hurry, hurry, hurry

Get it all arranged


Made a Peanut butter cake

Swept the kitchen floors

Make my brother’s bed

And the list says more


Checking my emails

Trying to write a poem

Looking at my time

Because it is on loan

Laundry is done

Supper all laid out

I think I’m going to lay down

And nap before I pass out.

Written by,

Terry Shepherd


On Borrowed Time 2

A True Story, A Little Scare

I have a little shiver that just ran through my body. Did you ever have that feeling something is not right? Or someone is in your home but you don’t see anyone?

Al woke up alright today. I washed him up, and fixed him breakfast. He had a banana nut muffin, scrambled eggs, two sausage links and apple juice.

Afterwards, I shaved him and trimmed all the hairy parts that seem to grow only on a man’s head or face, or maybe both. LOL

I put him in his lift chair and he listened to his audio tape player with the New Testament on testament

I made a cheese cake for his lunch and when the time was right, he had new  baby potatoes, meat loaf, corn and cheesecake. I was doing what I had to do since he refused his meals yesterday and I won. He ate 100% on both meals.

He started the sweating thing and the tremors are back but they aren’t too bad. He is so cold and clammy to the touch. It sort of gives me an odd feeling when I touch him.

After lunch was over he tried to use the toilet with no success. I changed his brief and put him in bed. As I was coming out of his bedroom I went and got the clean laundry I had done from his bed change this morning.

As I walked back in to his room I  heard him say, ” I love you Mom.”

I didn’t say anything and walked back out of his room. As I passed the front door, the screen door closed. I instantly turned around to see who was there. No one was there. I don’t know why but I opened it and closed it again, making sure it was latched.

I looked out on the ramp and I saw no one. It made me have a hint of shivers but I just ignored it. It must have been the wind I thought. I walked a way from the door and then I got scared.

The television that has been on the same channel all day and at the same volume was suddenly blaring. It was so loud it made me jump in my spot. I raced over to grab the remote and turn it down. I had to click the volume button a few times before I got the volume back to a normal hearing level.

With this being the second startle I slowly checked out the house. I started with my bedroom, and made my way through the house. I saw nothing. Although I had just came from Al’s room I went back there one more time; just to check. Al was talking to Mom.

I left his room and came out here and sat down at the computer. I heard the cat eating, but when I glanced over the cat wasn’t there. I don’t know what the explanation is but someone or something is definitely here.


Building Memories, Cards and Recipes

Al's cards 3I picked up this envelope in the mail today. It said it was from Valerie L. It was addressed to Al. When he got home I handed it to him. It took him fifteen minutes to open it but he did it. There was a very pretty card and two magnets, one for him and one for me. Thank-you so much Valerie. He really liked it and the magnets are adorable.

I sound like a broken record but once again if anyone wants to send Al a card just write to me at

for address.

I got a couple of recipes off of my Facebook friends this week. Since Al has struggled so much with pain I decided that I can’t take the pain a way, but I can keep his belly full. The two recipes I am going to make are really good-looking to me. I thought maybe you may want to try them too.

Chocolate Chip Gooey Cake


1 box butter recipe cake mix.

1 egg

1/2 c. melted butter


1 8oz. softened cream cheese

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1 16 oz. box powdered sugar

1/2 c. melted butter

1 c. chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9×13 baking pan. In a bowl combine cake mix, egg, and butter with an electric mixer. Mix well. Pat into the bottom of prepared pan and set aside. Still using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese until smooth, add eggs and vanilla. Dump powdered sugar and beat very well. Reduce the speed of mixer and slowly pour in melted butter. Mix well. Stir in chocolate chips.

Pour filling onto  mixture and spread evenly. Bake for 40-45 minutes. You want the center to be gooey so don’t over bake. If you want to drizzle chocolate over the top you may after 15 minutes of cooling the cake. Allow to cool for one hour before cutting.


Cherry Bars

1 c. butter, softened

2 c. sugar

4 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1/4 tsp. almond extract

1 tsp. salt

1 21oz. of cherry pie filling


1 cup powdered sugar

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. almond extract

2Tbs. milk

Cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs and beat well. Beat in extracts.

In a separate bowl combine flour and salt. Add to the creamed mixture. Mix until combined.

Grease a 9×13 baking pan. Spread 3 cups batter. Spread with pie filling. Drop remaining batter on top.

Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until knife or toothpick comes out clean

Cool. Combine glaze ingredients and drizzle over the bars.


Sausage Casserole

1 lb. sausage

1/2 small red bell pepper

1/3 white onion

1/2 small green bell pepper

1 lb. frozen hash browns

1/2 c. sour cream

1/2 to 3/4 cup American shredded cheese

A pinch of garlic powder

salt and pepper

4 eggs

1/4 c. milk

1 c. cheddar cheese, shredded

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

In a large skillet cook sausage until browned. Place the sausage on paper towels to drain. Leave the fat in the skillet.

Dice up the onions, green and red bell peppers

Add to skillet and saute until just tender.

Place the sautéed veggies on a plate and set aside.

In a large bowl add the thawed has browns.

Stir in the sour cream until it coats the hash browns

Stir in the American shredded cheese

Season with salt and pepper, garlic powder.

Spray a 9 inch deep dish pie plate with cooking oil and press the hash brown mixture into the pie plate getting it as flat and even as possible.

Cover the top with sausage, onions and peppers. Set aside.

In a small bowl beat eggs with milk.

Pour the egg mixture evenly over the top of the casserole.

Use a knife to poke holes in the casserole so that the eggs mixture goes down further.

Top with shredded cheese

Cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes.

Remove the foil and bake for another 10-15 minutes or until the casserole is fully set.

Let cool for 10 minutes and enjoy.

I am going to be making the Sausage Casserole and the Cherry Bars tomorrow.

While you are all sending Al cards you are doing more than choosing a card, sticking a stamp, licking the envelope. You are helping Al to smile, and to cling to what is just for him. You are also helping me to build memories of his life.                        101_0629




Recipes, Photos And A Funny Video

Although Al is 58 years old he has the mind of an older child. I am constantly looking at ways to make his food more interesting.

The best way I get him to eat is make it appealing as if I am making if for a nine or ten-year old.

Today, I spent some time in the kitchen creating. I use my imagination, add here, change this or that, and hopefully I create some fun tasting foods that he will eat.

He has always been a big, big eater but with his illness there are plenty of days that he doesn’t want to eat and I force him by my creations or he will only eat part of what I fix.

Here is what I did today.

I took some graham cracker crumbs that I had in my cupboard. I tossed some butter in the microwave. Threw both of these into a 9×13 pan and stirred and patted. Next, I had the cheapest, generic brownie mix the store offers. I added the one egg, and the one-third cup of oil. Then I was to add two teaspoons of water but I held off on that for a moment.

I mixed to the egg and oil mixture, or should I say tossed, I don’t measure out the added items, chocolate chips, coconut, stirred and then added enough water to make it moist like cake mix. I poured this over the graham cracker mixture and baked at 350 degrees until it was done. Here is how it looks.


The next thing I did was make a batch of pancakes a head of time. Al is a pancake lover. I buy frozen ones, blueberry for him but I like the added touch that shows him I think he is special.

This is what I did.

I took  Hungry Jack pancake mix. The kind you only add water. I poured out half of a new box into a bowl. I sliced up two bananas, added chocolate chips and some coconut. Then I added enough water to my eye’s liking.

Here is how these turned out, and by the way, I had to sample one of these. They do not even require syrup they are so yummy.

pancakespancakes to eatLastly, I wanted to thank Lezlie and Angel for the cards they sent Al yesterday. They were very nice. I took a photo of the cards he has received so far. Just a quick F.Y. I. if anyone wants to still send Al a card of get well or something cute, please email me at

I will be glad to send you his address.

Al's cards 2


Interesting Day

When I arrived today to see Al, he was crying and so upset with the staff. He and I had talked yesterday about him trading his diet hot cocoa in and drinking a glass of apple juice instead since it is warmer outside.

He evidently tried doing it for lunch but they wouldn’t let him. Two nurses showed up at his table once they saw Al trying to explain to me what was going on. They didn’t know why he couldn’t have the juice. Maybe it was too much acid with the daily orange juice at breakfast. Maybe he couldn’t have the hot chocolate and the apple juice.

Both nurses told Al and me that they would ask the proper person on Monday. I begged them to let him have the juice. This was his birthday party after all and one glass would not hurt or kill him I thought, but they would not budge.

So it didn’t make a real good start to Al’s birthday party. Eventually he gave it up when he began eating his cake and ice-cream. I didn’t hear anything else about it as he was opening his gifts I gave him. I bet the facility hears about it at supper tonight though.

Al smiled a few smiles for me and then he got tired and started to hurt. That ended the party and I cleaned up while an aide helped him go potty. I sat with him while he and I watched TV and then he fell asleep.

I told him I would be back later and that I loved him. I think all in all he enjoyed his special time. Here are a few photos I took of him today.

al's birthday cardA singing birthday card that got a good smile out of him when he listened to it.

al's birthday partyGetting ready to open a gift after eating some cake.

Al's carOne of his gifts that got another smile.

Al's car 1His other car that got a big smile.

After I left Al sleeping I stopped at a local laundry mat and dropped off my winter comforter to be cleaned. I couldn’t believe they were or are going to charge me $15.00. The prices sure have risen. But, I can’t fit it in my washer at home so I guess I will pay it.

I also stopped at a yard sale that was close to my house. I found these and placed it on my website for sale. I will give you the link if you would care to look at anything. Everything is negotiable if you are interested. If you want to pay the S&H for your area, I will be glad to mail it to you.

black vaseWell I guess you get to see a bit of background of my house in this.

An oval photo of a military man in a bubble glass frame

the immigrantsA small paper book about immigrants.

If any of you can help I would appreciate it. Even a donation of a coffee would help.


oval picture