Daily Prompt; A Bird, A Plane, You

http://dailypost.wordpress.com/, DP, Daily Prompt

You get to choose one superpower. Pick one of these, and explain your choice:

  • the ability to speak and understand any language
  • the ability to travel through time
  • the ability to make any two people agree with each other

Photographers, artists, poets: show us POWER.

The ability to speak and understand any language is the one that I choose.

The language of love and compassion and understanding are all formed in one area and that area is in each of us. In between our rib cage right under your left upper breast is a heart.

The heart is where most feelings start.grains-of-sand-990x500hands I don’t need to know Spanish, German, Italian, French, African and so many other languages to feel love.

I can look at you whether you are white, brown, black or polka-dot and see and feel your love. The pain will be seen through your eyes and felt within my heart. I can reach out my hand and lock it in between yours and there is an understanding. A peace that gently surrounds the two of us like a gentle rain falling around our souls.rain

A good example is our blogs, I have some of the best friendships and it is due to hearts, not so much the words. I can be here in Indiana and you can reside in England, and we connect through our hearts.

Yes, this is my choice. For what ever human being my path crosses in life, there is a chance to connect. A chance to love, feel, and touch through our heart and soul.

Best Moments Award

I have a brand new friend and follower. To my amazement I met her through being nominated for the Best Moments Award.telephone I was reading my emails and comments and then I heard an inner sound. Ring, ring, please read me next.Best-Moment-Award


This is where I found my award sitting waiting for me to open it and read.

Let’s take a look at what this blogger is all about. Here is what I discovered.

Currently living in England, I studied art. For about 4 years but gave it up for “real life”. Trying to find my flow some common ground, to live but also live out my passion, just be happy.


So reasons for my blog, well to try to get my stuff out there.


Stuff being: art work; that’s digital as well as good old-fashioned paint pencil etc.
Poetry: I love writing and just putting my thoughts down sometimes a painting can say a thousand words but sometimes a thousand words are needed.
Photography: I love snapping things and just seeing everyday life through my lens. Capture things people miss.
Reviews: I like to think my opinion might matter, though I’m not to sure, but if I can help you choose between what I think works or doesn’t ill try to help.


Hope you enjoy…. By the way I’m new to the world of blogging bare it me while I get used to it.


Oh and follow me on twitter as well as on here to keep track of my progress … See me. Grow in this ever. Expanding world.

Ah, I see she and I have some things in common. She loves art and drawing. Gee, I wonder if she has noticed my terrible sketches yet…….probably not or she wouldn’t have nominated me. LOL

I see she likes to sketch with pencils, so do I. She loves photography and hey, so do I. She has something I admire in a person. She has faith in herself and is not afraid to express it. Where I am still somewhat in awe when people compliment me. I tend to hide behind a mask and turn a blushing pink.mask

Well thank-you very much Lotus for thinking of me and I can see already that we are going to be good friends.

What about you my friends, doesn’t she sound nice? Please go and visit her. Every one likes visits.

I have accepted this nomination before but I just love nominating so without further hesitation here are a few I would like to choose.

Sheila Morris





Daiily Prompt; Life Line

http://dailypost.wordpress.com, Daily Prompt, DP

You’re on a long flight, and a palm reader sitting next to you insists she reads your palm. You hesitate, but agree. What does she tell you?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us HANDS.

I was sitting on the plane. I had been running almost an hour behind ever since I started packing for my trip. This was not going to be a relaxing get-a-way. This was work. I had a presentation to do to draw in more clients.

Getting comfortable as I could in my seat, I felt squished as I was sitting by a heavy-set man on one side and some silly looking woman on the other side of me. Every time she moved she jingled.

I closed my eyes trying to breathe deeper. I wanted to just relax on this flight, catch a few winks and be somewhat refreshed when I exited  the plane. It didn’t seem it was going to happen that way though.

When the stewardess went back and forth through the aisle she bumped into the heavy man and the domino effect drooled into me. I sighed, getting a little irritated. I actually glanced around the plane to see if there may be a chance of an empty seat being spotted. From what I could see over the seats the plane was full.

I closed my eyes once again determined that I was going to shut the world out. As soon as I saw the fist image of my dream I was being poked a wake by Jingle woman.

” What did you ask me? I am sorry I was trying to sleep.”

” I asked you if you would like to have your palm read.”

I laughed out loud and replied, ” no thank-you. I just want to sit here and relax. Try to take a little nap is my goal on this flight. Thank-you for asking though.”

I started to reposition myself and she tapped me again.

” I can feel stress coming from you. Your energy is running very high. Why don’t you let me just tell you what is in store for your future.”

I knew I wasn’t going to have any peace until I gave in to this crazy lady. I sat up straight and looking ahead I handed her my hand. She turned it over and studied it.

” I can tell that you are a very intelligent woman. Your life is very busy and you don’t take enough time for yourself. You have challenges that you are facing. I can see that you are troubled about something you have to deal with when on your trip.”

She kept looking at my palm and turning it over. I couldn’t help but perk up just a little bit as she seemed to know more about me than I had imagined. My life is very busy. I deal with stress in not so good of ways. I don’t remember the last time I took a vacation to just enjoy myself.

” I have good news for you Miss.

” What is it?”

” I see by the lines in your hand that you have worked very hard to be noticed. Your job is a very high priority to you. I can tell you that your hard work is going to pay off. Someone very soon is going to notice all you have done.”

I smiled at her and she held out her hand. I reached for my purse and dropped five dollars in it and she smiled at me and then turned to play her game with another passenger across the hall.

It didn’t seem long enough but I did get to sleep. I felt better when I was woken by the stewardess saying we were going to land soon. Taking my compact out and looking at my face, I applied some lipstick and combed some wispy hairs back into place. Straightening my jacket I was ready when the doors opened.

I found my way to collect my luggage. A taxi loaded my bags and I was whisked off to the hotel I had booked. After unpacking I ran a nice hot bath. Soaking was the biggest thrill I had enjoyed in some time.

After drying off and putting my bath robe on a knock at the door announced my dinner had arrived. I tipped the waiter and sat my tray down to the table near the big window. Watching traffic and birds I pondered on my speech I was going to be giving tomorrow.

The food was delicious and it felt so good to just realize that for tonight I had nowhere to go. After dinner was over the sun had set a beautiful golden view. I flipped on the TV and placed the Do Not Disturb sign on my door. I slipped off my bath robe and crawled into clean sheets. Arranging my pillows I watched some silly show. It made me laugh and it felt good.

Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep. The phone was ringing announcing my wake-up call. The door sounded and I let the waiter in with my breakfast. Sipping fresh coffee gave me energy for the day. Seeing the sun peeking out wishing me a beautiful morning caused me to smile.

After breakfast I got everything together and laid it on the desk. I took out the suit I was going to wear for the presentation. After dressing I put my make-up on and styled my hair. I stood back and looked at myself. I looked pretty darn good. Checking my shoes for smudges and nylons for runs I nodded my head in agreement. I was complete.

Grabbing my briefcase and my purse I dashed out the door and went to the elevator. Getting on at the same time was a tall, good-looking man and we smiled at each other. He smelled very good.

A taxi was waiting for me and he whizzed in and out of traffic. I was clinging to my belongings but I know these drivers are used to this craziness. Delivered to the front door of the business, I stood taller and held my head high. I entered the door to the conference room and found my place.

I was only one of two women. This gave me the jitters for a quick moment as men are so hard to acknowledge that a woman may have a good point of view. I filled the empty cup at my seat with water and sipped, wetting my lips and throat.

Everyone was seated. My name was announced. I stood up and gracefully walked to the pulpit. I set my display up and opened my notes and began my speech. The room was quiet as I spoke. I noticed different people taking notes on what I was saying. In the far corner sat the man who I had met on the elevator.

After the meeting was over I heard clapping and I gave my biggest smile saying thank-you to everyone. The room emptied out and I was left standing alone to put everything back in my briefcase.

I was startled when a hand rested on my shoulder. I turned around to see the nice-smelling man standing there.

” Let me introduce myself. I am Robert Champagne. I am the President of Fore  Runner in Boston. I had made special arrangements to be at this meeting. I have been following your progress for some time and I felt it was time to meet you. Would you care to have lunch with me?”

I couldn’t resist his cologne, eyes and smile. I said, “why yes, that would be lovely. Thank-you so much Robert.”

As he placed his arm in mine and opened the door for us to exit I couldn’t help but  think back to the flight and the crazy jingle lady who had read my palm. Secretly to myself I said, thank-you.gypsy


Elaine over at


has nominated me for the Wonderful Team Award. Thank-you so much Elaine.

Do you know my friend? Well, if you do not please take the time to look at her website. She makes lovely jewelry. Here is a little bit about her. Please stop in and say hello.

Elaine says:

I live near Cambridge in England and only started blogging to support someone else. I love it, I don’t know why, perhaps I can share that with you when I work it out. Perhaps (more likely) you can tell me?


I live with my husband and three children. (One joined the family by stealth.) The girls are at University now, but you can tell they still live here by the amount of ‘stuff’ left lying around.


I work in a library, which I love and my hobby is making jewellery – maybe I’ll post pictures sometime – especially beaded necklaces and especially working with crystals. I love anything sparkly.

I’m not tidy or organised and my life is chaotic. Happy days.


I was given another award by Billie. The address is;


The award is the Sunshine Award.

Do you know Billie? Once again I urge you to check out her blog. She is humorous, smart and says it like it is.

Here is a little piece of what Billie says about herself.

Life with multiple sclerosis is quite often an uphill battle, but I do not let it bring me down. Eight years after my diagnosis and 3.5 years after retiring from work I have found a schedule, a system, a way of living that suits me well. Main symptoms are fairly the same from 2004/2005, so steep decline has not emerged. I refuse to write “not emerged yet,” because I have time, the pharmaceutical world and holistic therapies at my side. Adapting to severe fatigue still is somewhat of a war between my head and the rest of me but grace to a great bed, lots of free time and understanding friends and family, I can rest and relax as much as I need.

sunshine-awardwonderful team award






2012 Blog of The Year Award

Elaine over at


has nominated me for the 2012 Blog of The Year Award.flowersBlog of the Year Award banner 600peace

















Thank-you so much Elaine.

Elaine has a great blog. She makes her own creative jewelry. I am always amazed at the beautiful necklaces she makes.

Here is a tiny peek at who Elaine is. Make sure you go visit her, especially if you like jewelry.

I live near Cambridge in England and only started blogging to support someone else. I love it, I don’t know why, perhaps I can share that with you when I work it out. Perhaps (more likely) you can tell me?

I live with my husband and three children. (One joined the family by stealth.) The girls are at University now, but you can tell they still live here by the amount of ‘stuff’ left lying around.

I work in a library, which I love and my hobby is making jewellery – maybe I’ll post pictures sometime – especially beaded necklaces and especially working with crystals. I love anything sparkly.

Thanks again Elaine!



Mrs. Sparkly’s Ten Commandments Award

What do you see that I do not? I have asked myself this questions at different times, but today, I have asked myself this again. I see a person who cares for her brother, who tends to find herself on here complaining or whining as some term it. I could never turn my brother into strangers care, when I know I would sit home and worry if he had his bath, or did he like his meals today. It isn’t so much the nursing care he would receive, it is that I am a natural worry wart. You should see my body! It is full of these little warts! LOL

I have been very blessed today in receiving awards from my friends. It draws me closer to this community, making me realize I am never truly alone, that I have many who care about Al and me. The emotional support and words I read, can never be expressed in words enough for the way I feel when I read them.


E1aine nominated me for this award.

E1aine lives in England with her husband and three children. She is very talented in jewelry making and loves cooking and poetry also. Feel free to check out her website by highlighting the link above and opening in a new window, or copying and pasting the link.

Thank you so much E1aine for the beautiful award.

The rules to this award are:

Describe yourself in seven words

short, plump, blonde hair, blue eyes, quiet, caring, and compassionate

What keeps you up at night?

too long of nap during the day or my fan not turned on

Whom would you like to be?

more of a spontaneous laughter

What are you wearing now?

a dress and sandals

What scares you?

this never changes, fear of darkness

What are the best and worst things about blogging?

The worst thing is I will probably never meet my special friends, YOU!, and the best thing, is I am able to express things that I can not say to another human face

What was the last website you looked at?


If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Learn to say no

Slankets, yes or no?


Tell us something about the person who nominated you.

Oops, I blew this one. I have spoken of her in the above section. She is a terrific lady, and if we lived closer together, I am sure she would be a part of my every day life.

The nominations for this award are:









Don’t forget the other two rules for this award.

Give credit back to the one who nominated you.

Nominate others who you know would enjoy this beautiful award.

Thank you again E1aine!