The Chicken Coop



Remember a couple of weeks ago, I said that I had received two chicken coop windows from a lady I know? I said that I was going to decorate one for the fall holidays and the other one for the Christmas season.

Well, I gave it a go today, since I had the caregiver here to spend time with Al, which went pretty good, if I do say so myself. So I had previously bought some miscellaneous items here and there and had everything set to go and so I picked today to do it. The sun was out, the day was perfect, and the smell of fall is in the air.

I wanted to show you what I have done with this window. It is my first time at using my brain for creativity. I thought it did not turn out too bad, what do you think? Now if you are going to tell me it looks like crap, lol, please lie to me, and say wow, that looks great, Hehe.


23 thoughts on “The Chicken Coop

  1. I think it’s really sweet, angel Terry, and a great idea! Thank you for sharing it and hopefully stirring our creative juices too! 🙂 And, what a great use of your time today, to do this!


    • i have thought of that also, what happens after the holiday……maybe tear it apart and decorate it for Valentine’s Day……..I don’t know. i have the other window, waiting for me to decorate it for Christmas……..any ideas?? thank u for the compliment. i love the country look, myself, and to know the window came from a chicken coop from a time when farming was a big thing, a way of living, is special to me, as the people tore down the coop, so i have a piece of the past


    • i would never have bothered with it, if the window was not a part of our history. farming,,,,,,farming is slowly being hidden away as the economy gets worse and worse. farmers can not make a living any longer. i grew up on farm land, and chicken coops and animals. to have this was very special to me. i wanted to do something with it to help remind me of my past also, so why not try decorating it………….thanks Julie, for thinking it was good enough not to tear apart and leave bare


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