We Both Smiled Today



















My brother got a box from a blogger today, and inside was this hat. Now although, I know it is maybe not meant to be worn, and it is definitely too small, he has had it on since he opened the box early this evening. I took him to supper and he wore it and asked everyone he saw that worked there if they liked it. He would say to each one, see my hat? do you like it? It was so cute. He is still wearing it.

The home health care nurse came today, and there was a lot of questions to ask Al and me. Al cried because his mind could not keep up, and I think the dementia is getting more bold, and making itself at home here, as Al did not know any of the simple answers, except when his birthday was.

In the end, Al will receive a shower three times weekly, a physical therapist will be here weekly to try to help Al’s weak legs, and a Speech therapist will also be here weekly, to try to help with Al’s throat muscles. He is choking and coughing more and more as he eats and drinks.

It looks like a lot of attention will be spent with him and on him for a while. I may even be able to sneak away and get groceries. I am so thankful and shook her hand as she left, and Al cried, and told her how bad he hurt, and he wanted to die.

So all in all it was not a bad day. Al’s medications almost got messed up because he slept in until almost 11am. He had a terrible night with his tremors, pains and nightmares, but finally he got up. We just moved the times of doses of medications up a little and all worked out. In the end we each smiled today, just at different times.


36 thoughts on “We Both Smiled Today

  1. It is so wonderful you finally got the “real” help you need…I always wonder “why” it takes so long for our doctors and health care providers ( medicare, medicaid, insurance)to give the help a person
    really needs…Staying home as long as they can can add many years to their lives…and getting the therapy they need…helps with their pain and ability to live…It usually goes back to money…so sad!
    I’m on a roll this morning…I must have slept good…ha, ha!
    Anyway Terry…so glad for your present situation…It has to help…mkg


    • thank u so much Marilyn. You are probably right, money is always the key to anything in this world. i have been wondering if obama is taking away the medicare, forcing Al to buy insurance


  2. I’m glad that even if Al was upset and there was a bit a drama – are you in a good mood and happy – and that there is a light in the tunnel for you both now – wonderful. I hope that will give you a chance to do things for yourself. Wonderful how hat your blogging friends think about Al and send him gifts, so generous and warm hearting. Seems like a great help Al will get, especially legs and speech. So happy for you both.


    • it is good to know that some of Al’s issues will be cared for by professionals. maybe they can help with Al’ swallowing and choking even for a small time. the shower girl came today, and she was so professional. i liked knowing she was here for him and not just the money. thank you Viveka for a nice reply


    • I am so thankful Mona, that finally we got some professional help. The new shower girl from home health care was so nice and professional also! Could not believe the difference. She actually seemed to care about Al while she was here.


  3. I too am glad you got some help. My heart goes out to both of you. That was a nice gift from your blogging friend. Hugs, Patty


    • thank you Patty. It took some time, but God answered this prayer. I felt better knowing someone was showering Al this morning, who is familiar with PD and falls. He loved his hat, this was so obvious!!!


  4. I am rejoicing with you that you finally have some of the help you needed so desperately. I’m really happy at the report about the smiles. And that you will get a little more time to do things by yourself. You will be able to do things more quickly that way. Tell Al the hat suits him! Good picture.


    • can you believe it? i get to get groceries alone on Monday. The shower girl will be here and she told me i could go get groceries and she would shower him and stay with him until i get back, does this mean i can run a way for the day??? lol. i will not waste time but will enjoy being able to make good choices for a change. i will tell Al your nice comment about him, and i am still thanking God for this help


  5. My prayers continue. Thank you so much for continuing to be upbeat and trusting in Him as you go through this on a day by day basis. I can see from your posting that you continue to seethe blessings of God in the midst of your difficulties! May He continue to bless you.


  6. Your brother is such a beautiful example of finding joy in the simple things of life! I’m so glad that you and he were able to smile that day! I will keep both of you in my prayers! May the Lord bless you, strengthen you, and uphold you, with His right hand, in Jesus’ name!



    • he does a lot of crying with the dementia. he doesn’t understand what dementia really is and he gets upset when he forgets or struggles to get the words out. I hate this PD. It takes a hold of the entire mind and body and twist it . Thank you so much for commenting PNE. I really do appreciate it. you seem so caring…….


    • dementia is a terrible disease that takes a wonderful person and makes them into putty. i hate it!!!!!! and what is worse to me, is he is so unaware of what is happening to him, so how can i help him to understand what he doesn’t understand in his child-like mind…………………..it just rips me apart…..


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