I Am Saddened By the News


Today Al had an appointment with an eye doctor. Less than a month ago, I had taken him for an eye exam, and he had an increase added to his bifocals. About two weeks ago, he started complaining of blurred and double vision. We made a new appointment with a doctor for a second opinion.

I picked up Al and took him to his appointment.  He had difficulty getting out of the car. I am noticing small changes in his movements, and had been told that a large vein was now a culprit for him, as the muscle around it is being squeezed from the Parkinson’s Disease.

After the doctor examined him very carefully, he gave us the news. The P.D. is working very hard on Al’s muscles behind the eyes. The muscles are becoming weak and slower. Al can not move his eyes as fast as the brain is telling them to move, therefore, leading in to a stage of not being able to focus. The other thing the doctor said is that Al’s cataracts are now significantly showing. The doctor became silent, and then excused himself from the room for a few minutes.

When he returned, he said he had consulted with our own eye doctor, and the two said that Al could not have them removed. Al could not lie still enough for this delicate but easy situation, nor could he be put to sleep to have this done. It seems that Al has nothing to work with to fight this, and eventually he will not be able to see anything. I pray desperately for God to take him home before this happens.

65 thoughts on “I Am Saddened By the News

    • I am sorry to say the truth, but I am questioning God. Why would he let someone like Al suffer. The big thing Al is mentally challenged but alert enough to know things are not right


      • It doesn’t feel right, does it? But God is the Big Planner, and we don’t know the why’s and the wherefore’s, which makes it difficult for us.


  1. So sorry Terry, praying for you and Al both.
    Dear God, we don’t know what Your plans are, but we know that You love Al and Terry and whatever they are, heaven is waiting and there will be no more sorrow or pain. Give them the strength they both need right now Lord, in You wonderful Son Jesus name, please Dear Lord. Ease this burden where possible and give the your hand to hold where it is not possible to ease it. Let them understand that You are still there Lord, that You are still in control and that whatever You are planning it will be for their benefit. You have promised never to give us more that we can bear Dear Lord and we know that You never fail, that You always keep Your promises. We are resting on Your word Dear Lord, leaning on You for the strength that we need. We give You praise always Lord, we give You love and thank You Dear Lord, in Jesus name. Amen


    • my tears have picked up again at this devastating news. All i can picture is Al needing his walker in order to walk, and trying to hold a white blind cane. of course this will not happen this way, but to see the life taken out of him by not seeing his coca cola or watch his favorite shows on television, are ripping me apart


  2. Terry, I am so sorry to hear this. One suggestion I was given as mom started losing her visionto macular degeneration. That is to contact lighthouse for the Blind. They can give help and suggestions, as to aids that would help Al in his daily routine. They said mom would have to be classified as legally blind to qualify, and she did not qualify at that time. You might ask your eye doctors or Lighthouse if they could help Al cope as he loses his vision. I wish I could offer a cure but this is the only insight I have.


      • You’re welcome, Terry. Give yourself time to come to terms with the news. Remember you can do only so much, so don’t come down too hard on yourself for anything you aren’t able to do.


  3. This is definitely sad news for you – and for Al. Sometimes we wonder how they stay alive, but I think the will to live is incredibly strong. It’s an inner strength and impossible to understand. Who knows why. But we continue to offer love and try to keep them as comfortable as we can. I’m so sorry, terry1954.


    • Al may have more strength than I have. His blessing coming from being mentally challenged. Today, I feel just like sleeping my pain a way. I feel like I can not take many more disappointments. thank you for being here my friend for me


  4. So sorry Terry and I understand so well. Just got a phonecall from nursing lodge to say Anthony has had a terrible fall and is going to be ambulanced to hospital – I will go in as soon as Ming gets home from milking. Ants has cut his head open and seems a bit concussed but nothing is broken apparently so I am not panicking.


  5. Terry, I am so sorry to hear this news. I add my “Amen.” to the prayers already prayed here. May the Lord strengthen you in spirit, soul and body and give you all you need to cope with this current situation. I pray that even during this difficult time you will sense the deep joy of the Lord that can be ours in the darkest times and the greatest trials. “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10


  6. I think we have a tendacy to look too far ahead…Terry…Al will probably see for a long time…Just needs to slow down on the things that hurt his situation…What an awful disease…
    You have taught me so much about it…The Holidays are notorious for bringing up memories of people who are not with us anymore…It’s kind of bittersweet…We love thinking about them…
    but, so much to see that realness…Take care and if at all possible…get with someone and have a fun day out…a movie…a lunch…some place different!…love, mkg


    • no we sure don’t. With Al’s simplicity, I often ask him how his sight is, and he just blurts out, it hasn’t changed! darn eyes! I always giggle inside because I would not be reacting like that if it were my own eyes. I pray this process will take a long time before he can no longer see


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