Chapter 7

Henry and Jane got in his car and drove the distance to his parents. It was awful quiet inside the car as each were deep in thought about how this was going to go. Henry’s parents were hard. They didn’t give a shit about other people. They were always wrapped up in what there was to gain for themselves.

The car engine shut off and the two glanced at each other. Henry reached over and patted her hand.”Come on, let’s go in and get this over. What’s the worst they can do, yell”. He smiled at her with those big blue eyes, and she put a tiny curve at the edge of her lips. They both got out of the car and walked in the front door.

The neighbor was visiting and Henry and Jane walked past them and straight to the kitchen. Henry opened the refrigerator and grabbed a soda and popped the tap off. He took a big swig and then handed it to Jane. She wasn’t thirsty as  much as she was nervous, so she took a sip and then handed it back to him.

George came out to the kitchen and asked, ” What you two up to? Surprised to see you here. Something wrong or are you just stopping by to raid the ice-box”? Henry gazed at Jane and then turned to look at his dad. ” We got to talk dad. We got something important to tell you”.

George looked at him while grabbing himself a beer out of the fridge. He walked past them without saying anything and went back to the living room where the two gabby ladies were sitting. ” Henry says he needs to tell us something real important Carol. You might want to put a lid on this conversation so we can hear what he’s got to say”. Carol looked a little embarrassed at her friend, but suggested they put a hold on this talk and save it for tomorrow. She walked her to the door and then came back and sat down in her favorite chair.

She said, “What’s this all about? You better not have done anything. Are you in trouble with the law Jane”? Jane walked in the living room and sat as far opposite from Carol as she could get. Henry sat in front of her on the floor. ” Nah mom, Jane hasn’t done anything against the law, and neither did I. Calm down mom. You don’t want to cause your heart to flutter”.

“Then what is it Henry”? George said. “Spit it out, we have to get ready here soon. There is a square dance tonight that we want to go to”. Henry coughed and then said, ” I asked Jane here to marry me tonight. She said yes and you and mom are going to be grandparents”.

Carol’s head fell back against her chair and she was fanning her face with her hankie. Her face was becoming pale. George was watching his wife and then looking at the two of them he said,” When ya getting married? Where you two going to live? Henry, your job isn’t going to pay enough to take care of you, let alone a woman and a kid. You best be planning on just moving in here in the spare bedroom”.


Carol was still remaining quiet. Inside she was thinking, this is so embarrassing. What are my friends going to say. How am I going to show my face to the neighbors. Girl knocked up and not even dry behind the ears. I guess I better take a look at those drawers in the bedroom to see if there is going to be enough space for her things.

Henry said,” We are going to get married in two weeks. This will give me enough time to find a better job and get a pay check before we make this thing right”. George nodded his head in agreement then said, ” Your mom and I will move all the things that are not needed out of the spare bedroom and put it in your bedroom Henry. Your room is smaller than the spare, so this will be your new room”.

Carol finally spoke saying,” Jane you are going to have to help out around here. I am getting up in years and I don’t have too many days where I don’t feel good, so I am going to need your help”.

Jane was sitting in a half-dazed moment. Live here with his parents? Live here, in the same house as them? Oh no, I am not going to do this. We can just stay at my house. Anything would be better than living with this woman. He wasn’t bad but her? no way am I going to be in the same house living with her.

With Henry’s drink being emptied he stood up and tossed it in the waste basket. He looked down at Jane and asked, ” You ready to go? They got plans, let’s hit the road”. Jane got up quickly and smiled at each of Henry’s parents and the two exited the house.

“It went pretty well don’t you think”? Henry asked as they walked back to the car. Jane exploded right there in the drive-way.” You can’t expect me to live here with your parents can you? I don’t even get along with your mom! She has issues! She is bossy and is going to just make me her personal slave while I stay here! Henry, you didn’t even ask me first if this would be alright”!

Henry got in the car without remarking to her. He started the car and pulled out a cigarette of his pocket and lit up. He took a deep drag of it and waited for her to get in the car. Jane stood outside pouting. When she didn’t get any response from him, she opened the door and got in. He started the car and then they went to the one drive-inn and parked the car.

The waitress skated up to them and asked what they were going to have. Henry said with no hesitation, “Um, bring me a couple of burgers loaded, a cheeseburger, and a large fry. Bring me a large chocolate malt too with an extra glass”. The waitress wrote down the order and skated off.

22 thoughts on “Chapter 7

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